Young Activists Can Sue Government Over Climate Change, Supreme Court Says

This article was about young kids, the youngest being 11, having the ability to go to the Supreme Court about climate change. The activists claim they have just as much of a right as adults do to voice their opinion about climate change. They believe that because they have to live in the environment also, they should have the ability to do their part in changing climate change. There was a Supreme Court case that started in 2015 through which an Oregon citizen is trying to give children the same rights as adults in the decisions about climate change. The citizen said she is tired of the defendants playing people like they are games.
I think this sounds like a better idea than what it actually is. The idea is a great one, but we can't just put our Earth into children's hands because they want the same rights as adults. A lot of people want things but that doesn't necessarily mean they need them.


  1. I think this is amazing that a group of students came up with this case. I makes me feel better about our future to see that young people do care!


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