Hurricanes are doing more damage and it's our own fault

As climate change is becoming more present and increasing where the oceans are becoming warmer and rainfall intensity is tending to rise, it's not the reason why hurricanes are becoming stronger. In fact, it's because of us, humans, where Americans whom lived in the state are now affected by tropical cyclones up to 60 million and are becoming more prone to them as there is an average of 34 million houses built on the Atlantic and coastal regions which are the two areas most exposed to hurricanes. As in addition, most scientists think the reasoning for stronger destruction is due to the shift toward vulnerable regions as people build houses in areas prone to hurricanes which leads to the mass destruction that there is said to come from them. Therefore in the future, scientists say that hurricanes are to become more disastrous, stronger and in higher rated categories towards the second half of our century as overall the rise in hurricanes are predicted to be caused by the way we detect them as back then we recorded them by human encounters where now we have satellites that can detect them everywhere.
In conclusion, I never knew how much us, as humans, impacted the destruction of hurricanes in such a big way. As I knew that hurricanes were becoming bigger and were either caused by nature or extreme cases, global warming, but it's fascinating in a way to think that we have a bigger impact on more than we think.


  1. It doesn't surprise me how much of an impact we have on hurricanes because of the way we release toxins and stuff into the environment. We are a major cause of global warming which is having a big effect on the environment. If we have this much of an impact, think about how much worse it could be in the future if we don't do something to slow down or put a stop to global warming


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