Beer Threatened by Climate Change??

So you probably know about other food and drinks that are most likely going to be gone because of climate change, such as honey and chocolate, but did you know beer is also threatened by climate change? Due to a decrease in malted barley, the main ingredient in beer, there will be an increase in price if (almost double) climate change continues to shit all over us. Not only will the price increase, but as the production of malted barley decreases, the taste of beer will be different. This is another effect that is going to affect our economy and as well as social aspects. NOT THAT WE CARE AT ALL BECAUSE WE ARE GOOD NOODLES AND WILL NOT CARE UNTIL AROUND THE YEAR OF 2023 OR EVEN MORE.


  1. I did not know that beer was also threatened by climate change. This is interesting to think about and a very cool thing. I find it interesting that the main ingredient in beer is running low.


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