
Showing posts from October, 2017

Biased article

I think the article is biased since " Perhaps the only thing more terrifying than the impacts of climate change is the overwhelming denial of their existence by some political leaders in the U.S." is a quote in the article. It shows that they feel strongly about climate change and disagree with some political leaders.

Biased Climate Change This article has a bias toward added environmental/climate change precautions.The article mentions  some of the issues that could be linked back to climate change. However, it does not provide much information as to how these problems are connected to climate change, or how they are being affected by people.

Biased Current Event: Murder of Bald Eagle

In Virginia, a man was put under house arrest and had to pay a fine for killing a bald eagle. He pleaded guilty under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. I thought that the result of the trial was good since the man did something that was unnecessary. Hopefully when people hear about this story, they will think twice before hurting animals. This is biased because it comes from Fox News which is more in favor of Republicans over Democrats. Link to Article 

Climate Change Lowers the Quality of Coffee

Climate Change Lowers the Quality of Coffee This article explains that because of rising temperatures and less rain in areas, like Ethiopia, coffee is not growing as well and what is growing is lacking in quality. I don't personally drink coffee but I know for a lot of people in America today, coffee is really important for their morning and without the growth of coffee, it will potentially raise the prices and lower the availability for most of the working class and maybe even middle class.  This article is biased because it explains the higher temperatures and less rain to be caused by climate change or even fossil fuels, to be specific. Climate change is a controversial topic and there is a lot of people who don't agree with it. This mean that the person who wrote it is obviously using his own opinion in the article.

Biased Current Event: Yellowstone Supervolcano

In this particular article, researchers from various colleges and research communities like: Arizona State University, University of Utah, and Yellowstone Observatory. These researchers have reported that there is no immediate danger to the country as it is in a state of rest. However Arizona State University researchers have said that, based on their new conclusions, drawn from the minerals surrounding the volcano, the volcano could erupt much faster than expected. NASA also wants to try to prevent the super-volcano from destroying the US by trying to cool the magma before it spills over. This seems to be unreliable because of the information that has been circulating over the past few months. We have been told that this volcano could  potentially send the world into a new ice age, now there is all this information that the volcano is a very small problem. In addition to the skewed information this article is from Fox news, which is notorious for taking a republican or conservative vi

Oil Drilling in Alaska

The article that I chose struck me as biased because a portion of it stuck out like a sore thumb. " A laska could use the money.  Listen to Alaskans, and you can feel their desperation—in their homes, offices, from commuters passing Anchorage’s rooftop  ConocoPhillips  sign, in radio reports on the $3 billion state deficit. Oil helped build the state. The oil industry employs a third of its workers."  This quote tells me that the article is biased because when you are writing a paper or article that is supposed to be unbiased you leave your own opinion out of what you are writing. This affects the information presented by the author by pushing onto the reader the idea that drilling for oil in Alaska would be beneficial.

Biased current event My article states that global warming is still happening and we need to be more conservative to stop it. Most articles on global warming are highly opinionated due to the fact that there are multiple sides that can be taken on this issue. My article says that global warming can only be stopped if people care about it enough to take action. Other opinions like this one are made throughout the length of the article.

Yes, Climate Change Made Harvey and Irma Worse

Right from the title I could tell that this would be an opinionated article. The author goes into depth about how Harvey and Irma were NOT causes of climate change, but that the warmer waters and rising sea levels that trigger bigger and more destructive storms are the cause. Many scientists, more specifically meteorologists, are mentioned in this article to back up their opinions to get readers to agree. It uses information like "Over 90% of the researchers are in agreement with what is going on" to persuade us.

Delingpole: ‘Climate Change’ Is No More Credible than Magic Says Top Physicist- Biased Article

This article discusses the different reasons why people believe that global warming exists and then denounces and disproves them. This author uses inflammatory language and keywords like idiots, magic, brainwashed, and exaggerated to convey his message. By choosing this word choice, it makes his argument less scientific and factual and more opinion based. This article is clearly biased toward his personal opinion on climate change and could definitely sway a reader's opinion. Link to article

Biased Current Event

My article talks how with the debate of global warming still occurring, news sources like to take certain view points and standpoints on the issue of global warming. This articles claims that global warming is true and occurs from the environment being polluted. This article is very opinionated along with many other articles. He strongly states his view point on it.

Biased Current Event- E.P.A. vs. the Environment

This article encompasses three reactions to an editorial. All three state that our environment is going back to the way it was before the E.P.A started making strides in the positive direction for protecting our environment. They all call out the current E.P.A. administrator Scott Pruit for ignoring the current state of the environment and that our resources need to start being managed more wisely so that we can start waning ourselves off of the dependence of nonrenewable resources. All encourage the reader to call our Congress to get our voices heard. To read the reactions, click  here .

Bias Current Event: Global Warming

This article published by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) comments on the issue of global warming with a bias in favor of the said issue.  The article makes its case by addressing the fact that while Earth's climate has changed over its lifetime due to shifts in its orbit, atmospheric changes, and fluctuations in the Sun's energy, there is a new aspect to climate change to take into consideration, which is humanity.  It states that due to the accelerated release of greenhouse gases and carbon emissions due to human impact, the Earth's temperature will continue to rapidly increase.  The article goes on to answer several questions that regard global warming, including how global warming compares to previous climate change, how accurate the information supporting global warming's cause through greenhouse emissions is, how much more the Earth will warm, and how extensive the effects of global warming will be on our planet. https://earthobservatory

Bias article: Climate Change is a Hoax

The article I chose was called Top Ten Reasons Climate Change is a Hoax . Without even reading the article, I could tell that this writing was going to be very biased based on the title. The article, written by Elmer Beauregard , states that studies showed 2014 was supposed to be the hottest year yet. Beauregard talks about “record ice,” “record snow,” and “record cold,” but backs up the topics with his personal thoughts or his own opinion. If he had provided actual proof to back his topics up, the article wouldn’t be so biased, but he has nothing and that makes his case weak. Beauregard’s biased comments negatively affect the information provided by presenting inaccurate statements on the topic of climate change. 

Hurricane Surge

The bias article I read was about the recent surge of hurricanes. Scientists have researched the hurricanes from the last 30 years and compared them to the ones before that. The article states that the research doesn't allow them to connect the recent growth of hurricane activity to global warming, This is a different view on the recent climate change because many people and news sites are quick to blame global warming for the increase of hurricanes in the last 30 years. The article also explains that the to main possible factors of the growth in hurricanes is man made climate change or natural change. However, the article mainly supports the fact of natural climate change by using facts about the oceans cycle that can cause more storms and the fact that in the past the storm counting wasn't as reliable therefore, the increase in storms might not be that high,. The article is bias because it doesn't support both sides of the argument and avoids the fact that global warming

Coal Insider Tapped to Lead Agency That Regulates Mines A former mining engineer, Steven Gardner was chose to run the Interior Department Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. The choice to pick a coal insider rather than someone who is not in the coal industry at all to lead the agency that regulates mines is bias because if he is a former mining engineer he is not going to care about the environment because he just wants the coal business to rise, rather than someone not in the coal business at all would care more about the environment.

Bias Article: Did Climate Change Cause Hurricane Irma to Fizzle?

This environmental article, written by "Investor's Daily Business", explores the relationship between climate change and Hurricane Irma's predicted strength and actual strength as a storm.  According to the article, experts predicted Hurricane Irma to be a more devastating hurricane than it actually turned out to be.  As Hurricane Irma was being tracked, scientists and politicians blamed the predicted severity of the storm on global warming.  The article suggests that whenever there is a unfavorable weather event, it is attributed to climate change.  In the same sense, the article suggest that, because of this idea, possible benefits of climate change are never discussed.  The article concludes by stating some reported cases of benefits of climate change.  For example, weather in the United States has got increasingly more pleasant over the last four decades.  This means that winters have been less severe, while summers have been less hot. I thought this article was

Climate Change is the WORST Scientific Scandal!!!

The title of the actual article shows that the author believes that climate change is fake and is biased towards arguing against it. The very first sentence from Christopher Booker is, "Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with the Climategate whitewash". He only has information to support his opinion which makes the article biased. o f-our-generation.html  

Paris Treaty is Ineffective?

In this article, the discussion was about Trump leaving the Paris Treaty, and to Copper the Paris treaty is ineffective and fails to make a change. This shows how this article is bias due to being on the complete side that the treaty is a waste. Read the article  here.

Scientists explore how climate change may affect mental health             This article is a biased article because they only view one point throughout the entire article. Through the article the only viewpoint they express is that climate change is bad for our planet and for human health. They state that climate change involves rising temperatures, disappearing coastlines, and destroyed ecosystems. The article does not mention any specifics of what climate change is because they only say that it is taking a toll on our planet. At the end of the article they say that there are other potential effects but they do not state them because they only care about the point they are trying to prove so they do  not include an opposing side.

Toxicity Charge in London

Due to the high rates of air pollution in the UK, London is putting a new toxicity charge into place.  This toxicity fee aims to reduce air pollution caused by diesel cars.  This charge is needed because experts show that pollution has caused more deaths in the UK than in many other countries in Europe.  They are many different respiratory illnesses that can be developed as a result of air pollution and can effect people of all ages.  I think this toxicity fee is a good idea to try and prevent more deaths from air pollution and to keep citizen's more healthy.

Global Warming

This article discusses how humans today are effecting the environment. This article says that we are effecting the Earth asking it warmer and changing the climate. It however only talks about how global warming and is happening and that we are the cause of it. The article never discusses anything against it or talks about anyone else and their viewpoint on the matter. I personally believe that we are effecting the planet and warming up the Earth due to our use of resources on the the Earth.

Trump administration scrambles to save largest coal plant in the West

This article is about how the largest coal-fired power plant in Arizona is shutting down. A temporary lease agreement has allowed the plant to stay up and running until the end of 2019. The Navajo Generating Station is unable to find anyone to take over and maintain the plant, so after December of 2019 they are unsure if the plant will continue on. Unfortunately this article is very biased. Throughout the article the author, John Siciliano, only quotes those in favor of the coal-fired power plant. "We certainly think keeping that plant open is important to the overall national security of the grid" says Michelle Bloodworth, the chief operating officer of the pro-coal industry group American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity. That is only one quote of many that tells us how coal-fired plants can help the area, but not once do they mention how the fossil fuels released into the atmosphere are dangerous. In conclusion this article is very biased by telling us how these plants

Obama EPA did not do background checks on hundreds of cyber-contractors

In this article it talks about the fact that Obama apparently didn't give background checks to many outside contractors. If this is the case then many unauthorized contractors are building when they should not be. Though, Fox News is a strong conservative news system that is known for falsifying information or simply nit speaking of certain issues due to their views. Especially when it comes Obama Fox News is known to point out only his problems or even simply make up an issue against him due to their differing opinion. Therefore, Fox News is a biased and non-reliable source. Article:  

Climate Change Biased Article

This article talks about climate change and is biased because the author is clearly against the idea of climate change. The author shows that he does not believe environmentalists are correct that the climate is changing. The author presents the information about climate change by saying that only bad weather is blamed on climate change and good weather is never blamed on climate change. The fact that the author is baised affects the information in the article because he chooses to only focus on the good weather that is happening, such as the weakening of hurricane Irma. If he was not biased about climate change, he might have focused on the increase of hurricanes this season instead of the weakening of Irma. Climate Change

Bias Article

Link here This article is bias because of how it is written and the author. The author is a republican who is against democrats and refuses to believe any information he hears form them.  The bias affects how it is written because he only shows some of the facts. At one point during the article he says that the scientific proof of why carbon dioxide is affecting the Earth is not true while not showing any of the false evidence and in turn is showing how biased he is. He also states that if global warming did happen then it would be a great  thing and that there is nothing wrong with having hot temperatures throughout the entire world just so he can attack the democrats.

Biased Article- Poaching

This article is about the poaching problems, mainly in Africa. It states that in only three years, 100,000 elephants have been killed for ivory which is supporting the black market and keeping the prices of it high in Africa. There is also a high demand of ivory in China as well, which is worsening the situation. This article is leaning more towards biased because the author is saying how poaching is not a good thing and that down the road for the elephant population is not looking good if they continue being killed at this rate. The author really concentrates on the statistics and facts of the deaths of these elephants to emphasize his point of the article that this needs to stop.

Biased Article

This article is based heavily on opinion and is not written from an unbiased standpoint, therefore the author's thoughts on climate change are very prevalent. This affects the information in the article because the author may have left out some statistics or information to make their standpoint more understandable. Here's the Article

EPA to Reform Its Science Advisory Boards - Bias Article

This article examining the shuffle in the Environment Protection Agency's board members is definitely biased towards the support of the shuffle and proposition to ideas. The author is definitely supporting Trump's actions of changing up the EPA and its board members to support his climate change thoughts and to stop the nonsense fear mongering going on in the EPA. The information presented is definitely skewed because of the bias and it could result in someone with differing viewpoints to not see the article as a trustworthy source. Article Here

I believe that climate change is a thing that needs to be taken seriously. The more fossil fuels that we find the worse it will hurt our environment. The more fossil fuels the find means we will use more which hurts our environment because it puts more carbon dioxide in the air. We all ready have problems with climate change now we don't want to make it worse.  

Coffee Thoughts

I feel that this article is biased since it really try's to focus on coffee drinkers. Which in this case it might not really be a bad way of being biased, but it is still against a specific set of people. It goes on saying how the warmer climate is going to threaten these peoples coffee and says about the coffee not tasting the same.

Climate Change

Article Here Climate change is a major issue in today's society. The big debate is wither or not climate change is real or not. This article talks about how climate change is real and gives examples and information on why it is, to someone who does not believe in climate change, this article could seem very biased because it does not point out any facts that could show that climate change is not real. It does not show both sides. I personally believe in climate change, therefore, I do not think this article is very biased because it is giving information and facts that could prove that it is real, however, I can see why someone would think it is biased.

Biased Article (Ryan Heydt) The article is biased because the author/authors are disregarding the facts to back up the opposing view point that evolution is real.  Meanwhile the author uses only information to back up their opinion.  The information presented can not make the reader change their mind because it may be false and also it hides from the reader information that would prove otherwise.

Trump Hates the Environment

Donald Trump. Hated by most, loved by few. This article gives the specific details of how the Trump Administration is attempting to rid the rules of the environment and change the very fundamental laws and rights of the environment. This article is very biased against the Trump Administration and is not a surprise considering it is from the New York Times. I think it is offensive how biased it is, however the biased feel to it makes it seem like a true issue. i did however like how they included the colored list of the laws and what stage they are currently in. Click here for the article!
In the article  it says that republicans are less likely to believe in Climate Change. It also shows google searches about how Americans have searched in google and other search engines and all think climate change is fake. In my opinion I think climate change is real, but other American's don't.

Is Congress about to wreck America's natural treasures?

Starting with the title, I can tell this article is going to be extremely biased. Going into the actual article, I found phrases such as "some of America's beloved wild lands and historic landmarks", "the attack is personal", and "too big, too wild, to qualify as a monument." These phrases together express the authors feelings about the Trump administration and his love for nature. His opinion greatly affects the information given because it creates a negative outlook on the government regulations.

Biased article This article talks about the Alaskan shelf melting but is very opinion based. Yes climate change is an issue affecting most organisms on earth but the way the author portrays this issued is very biased and opininated.
This article is biased towards Global Warming happening. This affects the information that is presented because it tells us all of the reasons that global warming real. Like it tells us that there are orbital signals that collect all the data that tell us climate change is occurring, it also gives us many facts like the temperature of the Earth and how the average has risen 2 degrees. I agree with this article though, I believe that global warming is happening now and it gives us real life examples. I did not know that glaciers are starting to retreat around the world. This article is very biased towards global warming.

Once again, global warming ruins everything, even fish sex.

Article Here " "We found that the local presence and abundance of a species reflect not only its need for particular temperatures and environmental conditions but also its ecological interactions. "As fish extend their range further from the equator with warming water, their advantage as predators will affect the abundance and diversity of large mobile invertebrates. "Broad changes will likely spread across the ecosystem, affecting human activities such as fishing." Professor Edgar said..." The fact that such a small thing as heat could effect so much is amazing. I'm not saying this as if i did not already know this, but it still amazes me, that is all. A few degrees in our body can change our whole mood, or a few degrees in the oceans can effect fish migration, predictor hunting, fish population, and everyone favorite hobby fishing! Oh and the mating patterns of fish have been most likely effected by these heating of oceans. truly interes

EPA Document Proposes to Eliminate Clean Power Plan 'In Its Entirety"

Breitbart recently obtained a 43 page document that outlines how the EPA is going to repeal the CPP. Trump, spurring this EPA plan reform, signed an executive order in March, ordering a review of the CPP (environmental plan formed by the Obama Administration). In additon to releasing EPA documents bashing the Obama Administration for their "environmental legacy", Trump also pulled America out of the Paris Climate Accord (agreement between various nations to lower amount of greenhouse gases). This article could easily be considered biased merely on the fact that all it really does is try to tarnish the reputation of the Obama Administration; the reporter only pulled the negatives from the CPP, he never once mentioned the positives of the plan. In addition, the reporter also used phrases such as " to undo the unlawful approach the previous administration engaged in", " Obama acted unilaterally without the consent of Congress and the American people to implement h

Lancet: Pollution, Not CO2, Is ‘Largest Environmental Cause of Disease and Death’ The article is biased just based off of the news source. Breitbart has ties to the far right movement so they are gonna have a more conservative view. They also site a medical journal that has taken stances on certain medical procedures. The article does have a good point on how most people focus on climate change as our "most important" climate problem. Even though pollution is also an extremely bad issue.

Danger to Air Quality from Forest Fires

I believe this article is biased  because it almost seems the author is making it that the forest fires are the main reason for the bad Air Quality. This makes the information being given very one sided. It takes the pressure off all of the other possible reasons.

October Current Event- What's Hidden Under the Greenland Ice Sheet?

In this Ted Talk, the issue of rising sea levels is looked at in comparison to the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet. The speaker looks discusses glaciology and how understanding the way that the ice melts and flows through the underground aquifers is crucial to the understanding of how melting glaciers connects to rising sea levels. In the video, you can watch a video of a helicopter flying over the crevasses on the sheet in which melted water flows in and eventually seeps into the aquifers. The speaker also discusses how physics can help glaciologists understand the patterns of melting. To watch the video, click  here .

October Current Event

The Museum of Ice Cream, a very famous attraction located in San Francisco and L.A., has been a popular hit over the past year. Thousands of individuals, as well as some celebrities visit there daily. Although the multiple rooms that are full of fun sound great, some community members have a real concern with one of the museums main attractions. The Sprinkle Pool, containing plastic sprinkles, attach to peoples clothes as they enter and exit the area. When the individuals who have been in the pool go outside, the plastic sprinkles fall off of them and become litter in the environment. The litter then goes down the drains and pollute the water potentially causing harm to the marine life living there. According to “ The museum claims it's ramping up its cleaning efforts to minimize the amount of plastic sprinkles that make their way outside its walls.” They’ve even gotten help from some of
After recent hurricanes overwhelming Puerto Rico, people are facing life-threatening conditions. Weeks later, many of these issues are still present. Help to rebuild Puerto Rico is absolutely necessary. Restoring shelter, medical care facilities, electricity, water services and more are absolutely important to the survival of the American Citizens located here. Conditions are worse than those faced after hurricane Katrina.

Penguin disaster as only two chicks survive from colony of 40,000 Thousands of unhatched and hatched penguin chicks were found dead on the across the island located on the region of  Adélie Land. Scientists found that the chicks were dead from starvation because of the overproduction of penguins. Penguins are starving because the ice is melting due to climate change so then the penguins are having to move their locations causing them to use a lot of energy and not finding food. This is an issue not only for penguins but many other animals in the Arctic.

I found this article interesting because I never heard of 21 different wildfires in eight different counties in the same state. Every year California gets many wildfires, but it seems like there is a fast recovery in the environment. I find it interesting while most of California's wildfires occur during September and October. You would think they would have most wildfires during the summer, but not here. This really surprised me. Through all of the damage that the environment takes I don't know how it is re able to grow year after year.
Darwin's frog is now extinct due to  global chytridiomycosis pandemic, they are getting a very bad fungus. The fungal bacteria is called  Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Due to this fungal bacteria from global warming it has threatened other unique species like the Darwin's frog but they have now been back to normal. All infected Darwin's species are destined to go extinct researchers are just now realizing. The infection is causing very dramatic die-off of species, but just with infected amphibians. with all of this being caused it is making people and scientist realize a change needs to be made with our environment.

Flights worldwide face increased risk of severe turbulence due to climate change Scientists have found out that climate change is changing the turbulence of planes. Climate change is suppose to increase a whole lot by 2050-2080. From the truculence of the planes changing can cause serious damage to people and luggage on the plane. I would have never guessed that climate change could effect this, this shows just how much damage global warming can cause. Global warming effects many things that we do not even notice. Even though the turbulence isn't a big thing in airplanes it still causes the most damage to people in flights, I found it interesting that it costs the US up to $200 million dollars a year from all the injuries from the turbulence, and if it gets worse I can't even imagine how much higher that number will get.

What's the Bee-g Deal? A dramatic decline in the worlds bumble bee population has been linked to the changing global climate. A research team at Florida State University published a study that shares their examinations in Colorado's Rocky Mountains. The researchers found that due to the changing climate, "there just aren't enough good flowers to go around". As global climate changes over time it may not seem like a big deal when in fact it is the complete opposite. For the Rocky Mountains this means snow melts earlier and the season of flowering it extended. This also seems like a good thing but Ogilvie and her team of collaborators found that "the snow melts earlier and the following season extends, the number of days with poor flower availability increases, resulting in overall food shortages that are associated with population decline".  It is important that we assess the problem of global warming and climate cha

New bio material that replaces plastics

New Bio Material  There is a new Bio Material that could help global warming and pollution. This material is a  polysaccharide polyelectrolyte complex that is composed of cellulose and chitin. The Cellulose is  extracted out of trees and cotton and the chitin is extracted out of the shells of lobster crab and shrimp. This material could replace plastics in may areas. The major one is getting rid of the packaging plastics and exchanging it to a bio degratible material. There is over 300 million ton of plastic material produced a year. Over 29 million ton of material becomes solid waste. Also 10 percent of it is estimated to become ocean debris. This material could help cut the pollution and liter cut down.

Lakes Changing Color due to Climate Change

What a Lake's Color can tell you about its condition Scientists have discovered that the warmer a lake gets, the more pigmented their color gets. Lakes with high levels of phytoplankton become greener in warmer temperatures because it increases. Lakes with a blue color become even bluer in warmer temperature because its levels of phytoplankton decrease. The warming temperatures either increases the phytoplankton or decreases the amount of animals that would eat it.  The blue lakes trap the nutrients needed for the phytoplankton at the bottom of the lake due to the heat that the lake only gets bluer as the temperatures get warmer.

Earth maybe near a Catastrophe?

To read about how scientists are predicting that a mass extinction could occur at some point because of our release of carbon dioxide is quite scary. Even though if it could be a trigger, but wouldn't occur until about 10,000 years afterward. Still, creates something to think about in the daily life and if we can change something to slow down this process. Click  Here

Marine Invaders: Japanese Tsunami Brought 300 Species to US Shores A Tsunami in 2011, in Japan caused tons of debris to be washed up on United States shores. Scientists says that they counted nearly 300 species from Japan washed up on the shore lines from Hawaii to Alaska. This is the first time in history that coastal species have came up along the US shores. Hurricanes and Typhoons can bring loads of debris with them into the ocean, causing marine debris to keep coming up throughout the years. Researchers are worried that marine debris could result in invasive species cause disrupt in local ecosystems. I think that if invasive species were going to be a problem in ecosystems then scientists would have realized it by now during the past 6 years that have past, and I am sure that the scientists can capture all of the species in the ocean so how are they supposed to know or see if an ecosystem is getting invaded. Scientists should look more into the species being wa
On the island of Indonesia thousands of people have evacuated and taken over due to two volcanoes rumbling on the islands of Bali and Ambae. It is said that both volcanoes are showing signs of erupting in pure coincidence. I agree that it is a coincidence that they are both rumbling at the same time because they both sit on the Pacific Ring of Fire and since they are two somewhat close volcanoes many reactions could be happening under the ground causing not just one but both volcanoes to erupt at any time. I think that even though it has been years since the volcanoes have erupted I think that over those year build up of rocks and chemical reactions have occurred and now it is all ready to erupt and start over again somewhat like a cycle.

Earthquakes Striking Mexico

Mexico Earthquakes The article I read had to do with all the earthquakes hitting Mexico and if they're related. While some believe that all the recent natural disasters could be connected, geophysicists say otherwise. What most people don't understand is underneath Mexico are tectonic plate lines. When the plates move they rub against each other creating the earthquakes. From time to time the plates move more than other times, this is one of them. Because Mexico has three plates under it, when one moves multiple earthquakes will follow since all move. So in conclusion the earthquakes striking Mexico are not connected, but rather would have happened eventually.

Farmers' efforts to help environment benefit their Lancaster County farms

I thought this article was perfect for this month because we just did our soil lab. This article talks about a local farmer who is doing everything in his power to protect the environment. Everything from, the soil, to the water in the Chesapeake Bay, to the deer in our back yards. He has planted many trees along side of streams to provide homes for deer all over the county. I think more farmers should be environmentally aware and try this farmers technique to better the environment.

Olive mill wastewater transformed: From pollutant to bio-fertilizer, biofuel

We use olive oil for cooking many dishes but never would we suspect that mixing olive oil and OMW-sawdust could possibly create fertilizer and fuel which is safe for the environment. I feel that if scientists could possibly secure this idea that the use of dangerous and pollutant fertilizers and fuel could end for Mediterranean countries, by combining OMW-sawdust and olive oil you could create eco-friendly fertilizer and fuel which would greatly improve the pollution in those areas.  

Climate Change and Bumble Bees

Climate chang has been and still is currently believed to be a major cause to the downfall of certain animal species. Now bumble bees are at risk according to a team of Florida State University scientists. With the shortening winter season and extending flowering season, bumble bees are experiencing food shortages as there are more days with less than an abundance of food. This is interesting to me because with a longer flowering season, I thought came more food and prosperity. Instead, a longer flowering creates a more spread out flowering season and creates a long term shortage of food for the large population of bumble bees.

Nano plastic Particles Affecting Fish Behavior

Tiny pieces of plastic called nano plastic has started to accumulate in the brains of fish and affecting their behavior. The tiny pieces are eaten by plankton and in turn eaten by fish. To learn more, here is the link to the article.  I found this article very interesting because i never knew that plastic could get into the brains of fish. The fish have begun to eat less and move slower and in time, this could lead to a decrease in the fish population. This is just another reason why humans need to watch where their plastic goes and how important recycling is.  

Global carbon emissions stood still in 2016, offering climate hope

A recent study from Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency shows that global carbon emissions have stalled in 2016. This is very hopeful news in my opinion. If we, as humans, can keep it stalled and maybe even lower it then maybe we can start to restore some of the damage we have done. That being said not all countries lowered their carbon emissions. India's carbon emissions actually rose by 4.7%. There has also been an increase in methane released by cows in the world. Yet, if we can do things to make up for those loses maybe those things won't matter.

Blog Post September, Ryan Heydt I found this article interesting because I had no idea how sophisticated bats are.  I of course have heard the saying "blind as a bat" but I never knew that bats used echolocation for navigation and to find food, and also that humans could study the brain's of bats and use the same techniques to their advantage.  This article affects me because it could help farmers determine crop yields and also help the US navy advance their technology.
According to  this article , the number of diseases relating to the air pollution levels in the world had been heavily rising due to the high levels of several different types of pollutants in our atmosphere. Even now we are still seeing the backlashes of the high levels of pollutants due to the hole in our ozone and the sight of smog in certain cities although, the laws and regulations are changing drastically to try to bring the pollution levels to lower levels.

Global Warming taken for granted!

This article shows an exact reason as to some of the different effects of global warming. I enjoyed this article because it showed me something I never would have thought to have been an issue from the effect of global warming. I am sure there are many people who would have not even given a thought to airports as something that could be affected so much. Take a look here !

September Current Event

In many countries, there is little access to clean drinking water and desalination of sea water is one of the only options. This means taking the salt out of the water, creating a solution called brine, which is composed of many different minerals. The speaker in the video suggests using this brine solution to create a "sea mining industry" from which the minerals could be extracted. This is a very innovative idea that helps not only save the planet from drilling for minerals, but it also helps save the ecosystems of the water in which the bring would be dumped back into. If this new technology could work, it could have a massive impact on our environmental impact worldwide.  link to ted talk

Homeless Cats Recruited to Fight Rising Tide of Rats

Rat infestation is becoming an increasing issue in some of America's most populated cities.  Due to mild winters over the past few years, rat populations have been able to sustain themselves without a harsh coldness for them to succumb to.  As a result, there has been a visible swell in rat infestation that urban residents have began to notice and complain about more and more to city officials.  A few of the biggest conflicts with having a large rat population is spread of disease, increased infestation, and a general decrease in sanitation.  City natives have become so fed up with the rats that they have begun to train dogs, cats, and even urban coyotes to hunt them down.  They begin training but taking the animals (usually the cats and dogs) off of he street and regularly feeding and caring for them while they are inside a cage, and then releasing them back to the streets to find and terminate as many rats as they can.  This process causes the small animals to have a predispositi
Air pollution linked to kidney disease risk            Lucas Santos APES Period 6 Dr. Al-Aly and some others studied particulate matter, which are tiny fragments produced by fossil fuel combustion and other industrial processes, which can be inhaled by humans. High levels of  particulate matter 2.5 - meaning particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers across - are associated with heart disease, stroke, diabetes and a shorter life span. They investigated whether PM might harm the kidneys as well. They did this by looking at more than eight years worth of data on nearly 2.5 million military veterans. I feel that this is an incredible finding. I think it is neat to see how we continue to research and discover new things. In this case it is a finding that can help save lives. Now that we know air pollution is linked to many diseases, we can act fast to find

The Global Food Waste Scandal

This Ted Talk by Tristam Stuart discusses the unbelievable amount of food that we waste and the ways we can possibly limit the amount of food that waste. One particular statistic that he mentions really struck me. He states that America produces four times the amount of food that is needed to feed every American person. We have surpluses of food yet we throw away absurd amounts of it. We do not use our global food supply in efficient or productive ways, especially when we have one billion people who are starving. After watching this video, I think that it is super important that we, as a community, country and world, need to put more effort to limit the food that unnecessarily throw away.