Bias article: Climate Change is a Hoax

The article I chose was called Top Ten Reasons Climate Change is a Hoax. Without even reading the article, I could tell that this writing was going to be very biased based on the title. The article, written by Elmer Beauregard, states that studies showed 2014 was supposed to be the hottest year yet. Beauregard talks about “record ice,” “record snow,” and “record cold,” but backs up the topics with his personal thoughts or his own opinion. If he had provided actual proof to back his topics up, the article wouldn’t be so biased, but he has nothing and that makes his case weak. Beauregard’s biased comments negatively affect the information provided by presenting inaccurate statements on the topic of climate change. 


  1. I agree that the lack of proof in the article makes it appear less convincing because all that's being provided is the authors opinion. If there was some sort of evidence used, this might be a more persuasive article.


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