Hurricane Surge

The bias article I read was about the recent surge of hurricanes. Scientists have researched the hurricanes from the last 30 years and compared them to the ones before that. The article states that the research doesn't allow them to connect the recent growth of hurricane activity to global warming, This is a different view on the recent climate change because many people and news sites are quick to blame global warming for the increase of hurricanes in the last 30 years. The article also explains that the to main possible factors of the growth in hurricanes is man made climate change or natural change. However, the article mainly supports the fact of natural climate change by using facts about the oceans cycle that can cause more storms and the fact that in the past the storm counting wasn't as reliable therefore, the increase in storms might not be that high,. The article is bias because it doesn't support both sides of the argument and avoids the fact that global warming could possibly exist.


  1. The article I read and blogged about was very similar. My article points out that scientists are so quick to blame unfavorable weather events on global warming, and that there is very little research looking into any possible benefits of global warming. I think scholarly articles on global warming should speak both about facts supporting and opposing the claims made in the article. This way the article can remain unbiased and provide readers with reliable information.


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