Earth maybe near a Catastrophe?

To read about how scientists are predicting that a mass extinction could occur at some point because of our release of carbon dioxide is quite scary. Even though if it could be a trigger, but wouldn't occur until about 10,000 years afterward. Still, creates something to think about in the daily life and if we can change something to slow down this process.

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  1. I read and hear a lot about how this world could be near a catastophe and no one is doing anything to stop it. even if the world "ending" does not effect you yourself it could effect children or grandchildren. Something should been done about this issue and soon otherwise tim eis runnin gout.

    1. Very true Miranda. Not many people take into consideration about their children. Many believe " I won't be here, so it doesn't matter to me."

  2. I agree that it is very important for everyone to think about the future of our planet for the future generations. Although it might not effect us, we should still take measures to prevent total destruction of the planet. If we let the problems of the Earth go for future generations to deal with, the effects of our lifestyles could be irreversible. We need to be concerned with the well being of our planet.

    1. Lauren, how do you think we can get more people to be concerned with planet and make this planet better?

  3. I think people see the 10,000 year ideology as a them problem and not an us problem. People don't think or care about future lives as long as it's not occurring to us now or in the near future. People need to realize how they're treating the Earth will effect life forever.

    1. I agree with you 100% Ariyanna. Some people do not care about the future because most of them say, " I won't be here, so it doesn't matter," but it does. For their children, grand children etc. If there is no change now what will happen to the in the future.

  4. I think it is funny when articles like this are published. It seems like almost every other year there is a scare where someone says the world is ending or a prediction for the far future. But, we never see what people are doing for the environment to try and stop this from happening. You would think with all of the scares we are having, more people would be trying to stop it.

    1. I also agree with you. Nothing is being done to stop this, but how do you think we can stop these scares from being created?


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