What's the Bee-g Deal?


A dramatic decline in the worlds bumble bee population has been linked to the changing global climate. A research team at Florida State University published a study that shares their examinations in Colorado's Rocky Mountains. The researchers found that due to the changing climate, "there just aren't enough good flowers to go around". As global climate changes over time it may not seem like a big deal when in fact it is the complete opposite. For the Rocky Mountains this means snow melts earlier and the season of flowering it extended. This also seems like a good thing but Ogilvie and her team of collaborators found that "the snow melts earlier and the following season extends, the number of days with poor flower availability increases, resulting in overall food shortages that are associated with population decline".  It is important that we assess the problem of global warming and climate change quickly. Floral abundance is very important to bumble bees since they need to pollinate and create colonies as well as grow bigger populations.


  1. It's so sad to hear that an already threatened Bee population is being devastated even more thoroughly due to global warming. I could easily see some other species becoming endangered/extinct in the arctic areas due to changing climate and lack of ice caps. I definitely agree that something should be done about Earth's warming temperatures.

  2. Last month, I read an article about the role of wasps in our environment. After reading this article, I still find it incredible to learn just how BIG of a role bees play in the environment. I agree that climate change needs to be addressed in order to find a solution to the declining bee population. Because, unfortunately, if we do not find a solution, we will see a decline in other species and biodiversity.

  3. Before the bee population was threatened, I had no idea how much of a role they played. It is so upsetting to hear how our impact on the environment is effecting other species. Climate change is a huge issue in today's world and we need to find a solution soon or other species could be effected just like the bee population, which would cause a huge change in the way things exist.

  4. I agree with what Hanna and Bryn are saying. It is sad in general that this is happening. But also it is sad it took the bee population being devastated for us to notice how big of an impact they make on the climate. It makes me wonder how many more times does this have to happen for us to try and stop it. I do agree that something should be done about earth's increased temperature. We keep on having problems and the earth's increase temperature seems to be the reason.

  5. I knew that bee's played a big role in our world but I didn't know they would make such a difference without them working. I think that since it seems that not many people are aware of this problem nothing is being done to help them. There are many problems on Earth and in order to fix them everyone needs to work together and get the word out about how big of an issue this really is.


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