According to this article, the number of diseases relating to the air pollution levels in the world had been heavily rising due to the high levels of several different types of pollutants in our atmosphere. Even now we are still seeing the backlashes of the high levels of pollutants due to the hole in our ozone and the sight of smog in certain cities although, the laws and regulations are changing drastically to try to bring the pollution levels to lower levels.


  1. I think there needs to be more regulations for pollution coming from at least factories. People know what the problems are but don't bother trying to lessen the usage. The amount of technology we have i'm sure there are at least some simple solutions.

  2. It's incredible the impact that pollution has on society yet people are still not doing enough to change it or stop it. It definitely can not be dealt with over-night, but starting to put regulations on factories would be a start. Especially since there are now diseases that are related to air pollution, i think that might be another push for something to finally be done.

  3. I think its incredibly sad that people had to die in order for our government to see that the regulations we had on industries were not doing their job. I'm glad that at least now they have started to place stricter laws but it could be too late now for some places.

  4. I find it ridiculous that these things are happening and there is scientific proof that these things are occurring but many people think that it isn't a big deal or that it is not even a real thing. This problem isn't going to be solved in a month and probably not even in a year. But each day will help over time especially if a lot of people are. It is not that hard to minimize your pollution habits, it is sad that people do not realize. If we want to live on our earth we need to take care of it.

  5. I agree with Mackenzie. The fact that people had to die for the government to start taking action is awful and devastating. By taking action now, we can work together to hopefully stop pollution over the next few years. The smallest changes in our everyday lives could benefit and save the Earth we live on.


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