Once again, global warming ruins everything, even fish sex.

Article Here

" "We found that the local presence and abundance of a species reflect not only its need for particular temperatures and environmental conditions but also its ecological interactions.
"As fish extend their range further from the equator with warming water, their advantage as predators will affect the abundance and diversity of large mobile invertebrates.
"Broad changes will likely spread across the ecosystem, affecting human activities such as fishing."
Professor Edgar said..."

The fact that such a small thing as heat could effect so much is amazing. I'm not saying this as if i did not already know this, but it still amazes me, that is all. A few degrees in our body can change our whole mood, or a few degrees in the oceans can effect fish migration, predictor hunting, fish population, and everyone favorite hobby fishing! Oh and the mating patterns of fish have been most likely effected by these heating of oceans. truly interesting.


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