Global carbon emissions stood still in 2016, offering climate hope

A recent study from Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency shows that global carbon emissions have stalled in 2016. This is very hopeful news in my opinion. If we, as humans, can keep it stalled and maybe even lower it then maybe we can start to restore some of the damage we have done. That being said not all countries lowered their carbon emissions. India's carbon emissions actually rose by 4.7%. There has also been an increase in methane released by cows in the world. Yet, if we can do things to make up for those loses maybe those things won't matter.


  1. The problem with this is that in countries like Netherlands the people are willing to change for the better, but as long as we have a 2nd amendment right we as Americans don't have to change. It is an obvious hope that one day everyone's carbon emissions are 0, but I don;t think it could ever happen.

  2. I recently found an article that basically was saying how we could possibly reverse the effects of co2 emissions with this plant that started running in Iceland that consumed more co2 that it produced, which removed its footprint from damaging the Earth. I hope to believe that it can be repairable but time will tell.

  3. I think this is great news that carbon emissions have stalled and the World is getting a little bit more environmental friendly. The World should work together to keep emissions down and work with the countries that wont comply and have a more intense discussion about the health of our World.


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