Climate Change Lowers the Quality of Coffee

Climate Change Lowers the Quality of Coffee

This article explains that because of rising temperatures and less rain in areas, like Ethiopia, coffee is not growing as well and what is growing is lacking in quality. I don't personally drink coffee but I know for a lot of people in America today, coffee is really important for their morning and without the growth of coffee, it will potentially raise the prices and lower the availability for most of the working class and maybe even middle class.

 This article is biased because it explains the higher temperatures and less rain to be caused by climate change or even fossil fuels, to be specific. Climate change is a controversial topic and there is a lot of people who don't agree with it. This mean that the person who wrote it is obviously using his own opinion in the article.


  1. This is very interesting. Maybe now all who do not care about climate change and love drinking quality coffee, will start caring.

  2. This is very interesting. Maybe now all who do not care about climate change and love drinking quality coffee, will start caring.

  3. i agree with hanna, i never thought that climate change and rain could affect the quality of coffee being produced. This could lead to problems with other products grown around the world and affect us economically as well.

  4. This makes a huge impact on my life, liking coffee so much. This could also lead to a business issue with Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts.

  5. This is just one example of changes in the environment that are taking place due to climate change. This article shows that climate change effects more than just the environment, it effects the economy and the people.


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