Trump Hates the Environment

Donald Trump. Hated by most, loved by few. This article gives the specific details of how the Trump Administration is attempting to rid the rules of the environment and change the very fundamental laws and rights of the environment.

This article is very biased against the Trump Administration and is not a surprise considering it is from the New York Times.

I think it is offensive how biased it is, however the biased feel to it makes it seem like a true issue. i did however like how they included the colored list of the laws and what stage they are currently in.

Click here for the article!


  1. I agree about the bias - but has plenty of well-organized information (if you can remove yourself from the author's emotional reactions to these particular rollbacks of environmental regulations.

  2. Its interesting how the author adds his bias into the article. If he would have just listed the current states of the environmental laws and rights, the article would have been portrayed as a more neutral outlook, but instead the author chose to put bias in the opening and closing remarks which I feel takes away the focus of the article and distracts the reader from reading information that is solely the truth.


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