Bias Article: Did Climate Change Cause Hurricane Irma to Fizzle?

This environmental article, written by "Investor's Daily Business", explores the relationship between climate change and Hurricane Irma's predicted strength and actual strength as a storm.  According to the article, experts predicted Hurricane Irma to be a more devastating hurricane than it actually turned out to be.  As Hurricane Irma was being tracked, scientists and politicians blamed the predicted severity of the storm on global warming.  The article suggests that whenever there is a unfavorable weather event, it is attributed to climate change.  In the same sense, the article suggest that, because of this idea, possible benefits of climate change are never discussed.  The article concludes by stating some reported cases of benefits of climate change.  For example, weather in the United States has got increasingly more pleasant over the last four decades.  This means that winters have been less severe, while summers have been less hot.

I thought this article was bias because it failed to cite its examples of climate change benefits to prove that they are accurate.  The article also jumps to conclusions by stating that whenever there is an adverse weather event, environmentalists always attribute it to global warming.  Despite why I believe this article is bias, I think the United States should consider funding more research to look into possible benefits of climate change.  It would be interesting to see whether or not the listed examples of benefits are actually true.      

Click here to read this environmental news article.   


  1. I think this article proved to biased as well. The article is kind of trying to say not to blame Global Warming because there are benefits to it but doesn't elaborate examples of the benefits. Do you think people jump too quickly to blame Global warming for a bad storm?

    1. That's a good question you bring up. I think instead of researching the actual cause of a natural event, it is often blamed on Global warming or climate change.

  2. This article gave many reasons for why climate change isn't proven and or a known fact in why the environment is the way it is today. but it did lack largely in the area of proof for why climate change is the cause of the decrease in strength of Hurricane Irma. I found that the article did a better job contraindicating itself than it did giving examples and proving their opinion with facts.


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