Biased Current Event: Yellowstone Supervolcano

In this particular article, researchers from various colleges and research communities like: Arizona State University, University of Utah, and Yellowstone Observatory. These researchers have reported that there is no immediate danger to the country as it is in a state of rest. However Arizona State University researchers have said that, based on their new conclusions, drawn from the minerals surrounding the volcano, the volcano could erupt much faster than expected. NASA also wants to try to prevent the super-volcano from destroying the US by trying to cool the magma before it spills over. This seems to be unreliable because of the information that has been circulating over the past few months. We have been told that this volcano could  potentially send the world into a new ice age, now there is all this information that the volcano is a very small problem. In addition to the skewed information this article is from Fox news, which is notorious for taking a republican or conservative view on most issues.

 Fox News yellowstone super volcano


  1. i agree, this seems to be trying to downplay an issue that very well could have a serious effect on the comfy world we live in.

  2. The super volcano could potentially destroy the entire US and I do not think this issue should be taken lightly. If NASA has a plan to help postpone the eruption then I think that they should try anything they can do. This is an important issue for the entire country.


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