On the island of Indonesia thousands of people have evacuated and taken over due to two volcanoes rumbling on the islands of Bali and Ambae. It is said that both volcanoes are showing signs of erupting in pure coincidence. I agree that it is a coincidence that they are both rumbling at the same time because they both sit on the Pacific Ring of Fire and since they are two somewhat close volcanoes many reactions could be happening under the ground causing not just one but both volcanoes to erupt at any time. I think that even though it has been years since the volcanoes have erupted I think that over those year build up of rocks and chemical reactions have occurred and now it is all ready to erupt and start over again somewhat like a cycle.



  1. I agree with you that it is somewhat like a cycle. Also I think that since they are close to each other that it will cause them both to react due to the underground erosion being so close. I would have evacuated out of there real fast too if two volcanoes were erupting near me.


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