Flights worldwide face increased risk of severe turbulence due to climate change

Scientists have found out that climate change is changing the turbulence of planes. Climate change is suppose to increase a whole lot by 2050-2080. From the truculence of the planes changing can cause serious damage to people and luggage on the plane. I would have never guessed that climate change could effect this, this shows just how much damage global warming can cause. Global warming effects many things that we do not even notice. Even though the turbulence isn't a big thing in airplanes it still causes the most damage to people in flights, I found it interesting that it costs the US up to $200 million dollars a year from all the injuries from the turbulence, and if it gets worse I can't even imagine how much higher that number will get.


  1. Climate change effects many things within the world today. Changing the turbulance of airplanes can cause many casualties and effects the amount of airplanes allowed to fly in a day. If this becomes too much of an issue planes may no longer be used in the future limiting how people get to places safely.

  2. It's crazy that some people actually believe that climate change isn't a real thing in our world, maybe once some casualties do happen people will start to believe this and learn to take care of our earth.

  3. Some people still refuse to say that climate change is a real thing. Even if casualties happen some of those people would probably blame it on something else.

  4. Never thought climate change would affect Airplanes Turbulence. I do agree that it will get worse the number of injuries will increase. I think the government should tell the airplane companies to make the airplanes adjust to the climate change so they can insure the safety of people.

  5. I knew climate change can affect our daily lives in many different ways, but never to this extent. People need to be informed about situations like this because we have millions of people flying every day who are now even more at risk.

  6. I have always known that climate change effected our world everyday but I never knew it affected our use of planes and could cause a huge problem for not only the planes but the risk of human's safety.


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