Trump administration scrambles to save largest coal plant in the West

This article is about how the largest coal-fired power plant in Arizona is shutting down. A temporary lease agreement has allowed the plant to stay up and running until the end of 2019. The Navajo Generating Station is unable to find anyone to take over and maintain the plant, so after December of 2019 they are unsure if the plant will continue on. Unfortunately this article is very biased. Throughout the article the author, John Siciliano, only quotes those in favor of the coal-fired power plant. "We certainly think keeping that plant open is important to the overall national security of the grid" says Michelle Bloodworth, the chief operating officer of the pro-coal industry group American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity. That is only one quote of many that tells us how coal-fired plants can help the area, but not once do they mention how the fossil fuels released into the atmosphere are dangerous. In conclusion this article is very biased by telling us how these plants help us but they do not touch up on the other half of the situation and tell us how they are bad for the environment and can cause pollution.


  1. Good write-up. You chose a quote that shows biased, then explained how it showed biased... way to go--proving your point.


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