Biased Current Event- E.P.A. vs. the Environment

This article encompasses three reactions to an editorial. All three state that our environment is going back to the way it was before the E.P.A started making strides in the positive direction for protecting our environment. They all call out the current E.P.A. administrator Scott Pruit for ignoring the current state of the environment and that our resources need to start being managed more wisely so that we can start waning ourselves off of the dependence of nonrenewable resources. All encourage the reader to call our Congress to get our voices heard. To read the reactions, click here.


  1. I agree with this because all 3 view points in the article do relate back to way it was before E.P.A They are majorly continuing to help our environment

  2. I agree that this article is biased. This article is written in the opinion section of the newspaper, therefore the author is not focused on presenting information in an unbiased way.


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