Bias Current Event: Global Warming

This article published by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) comments on the issue of global warming with a bias in favor of the said issue.  The article makes its case by addressing the fact that while Earth's climate has changed over its lifetime due to shifts in its orbit, atmospheric changes, and fluctuations in the Sun's energy, there is a new aspect to climate change to take into consideration, which is humanity.  It states that due to the accelerated release of greenhouse gases and carbon emissions due to human impact, the Earth's temperature will continue to rapidly increase.  The article goes on to answer several questions that regard global warming, including how global warming compares to previous climate change, how accurate the information supporting global warming's cause through greenhouse emissions is, how much more the Earth will warm, and how extensive the effects of global warming will be on our planet.


  1. Which part of the article do you feel demonstrates bias?

    1. This article demonstrates bias because it states and supports the theory of global warming and how it is affecting our planet. Global warming is a prominent subject of debate due to the various controversial arguments supporting and denying it. This article illustrates a supportive argument regarding global warming/climate change.

    2. GLOBAL WARMING ISN'T REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This article shows a good point about global warming; it is persuading because of the people giving the information. They have enough tools and data that show that it could be real, than others who just say it because everyone else is.

  3. The article explaining global warming does a great job in stating why NASA believes in human caused global warming and the reasons why. Obviously the article is biased towards one side of the problem, but it does at least address the other side. The problem, however, is that some of the facts that go against human caused global warming are not elaborated on and some are just not completely true. Overall, this article would be a great basis as one that two people could argue over in a respectable manner.

  4. The article is interesting because it does have a slight bias towards one side of the issue, but it does talk the other side of the issue.

  5. I agree that this article has some sort of biased to it, but like the majority of the articles, this topic is bound to have a chance of biased opinions. However, I feel this article does a very good job in explaining global warming.


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