
Showing posts from 2017

December Post... Specialized protein helps these ground squirrels resist the cold This species of ground squirrel that hibernates all winter is less sensitive to cold when it awakes compared to its close nonhibernating relative.  That higher tolerance for cold has been linked to a cold sensing protein in the nerve cells of the squirrels.

(January Post) Unexpected Side Effect to Cleaning Up Urban Air Discovered

In the United States, efforts to reduce air pollution have led to cleaner air and improvements in public health.  These efforts have been aimed to reduce nitric oxide and hydrocarbon pollutants from the air. Nitric oxide is a compound emitted from engines and coal power plants.  On the other hand, hydrocarbons are emitted from sources like gas-powered cars and trucks, solvents and cleaners.  Regulations for newer and more eco-friendly cars have greatly decreased the amount of nitric oxide in urban areas, whereas regulations targeted to reduce hydrocarbon levels are progressing at a slower rate.  This imbalance of the decreasing compounds has led to the creation of chemicals called organic hydroperoxides.  Scientists have already concluded that breathing in these particles is bad for human health, but they do not know how hydroperoxides will impact public health over a long period of time. This article is important because it illuminates something negative that...

Two For One         Given our recent classes on food webs and the like I thought why not the area in the world we know the least about! We know next to nothing about our depths. And with resent discoveries of fish and linking of animal on animal carnage is exciting! at least to me anyway...        Sea-levels rising! oh no. in about 90 years land that over 100 million people are using for their houses will be covered with water? If only there is something anything we could do, like cutting down on our carbon footprint, like increasing public transportation, or switching to more economic fuel consumption or new fuel sources. If only we could do something like those options i mention previously to help us save our dying planet! oh no. dumb ass.

Climate Change and Coffee

Recent reports are said that the recent climate change can have a major a effect on the coffee plants themselves. The colder temperatures that are in the areas where the plants are growing effect how quickly the coffee plants ripen. But with climate change occurring and temperatures being warmer, this causes the coffee plants to ripen very slowly making coffee beans not as flavorful. Coffee farmers are saying that the price of coffee could increase because of the inability to grow beans that are plentiful and good quality as well. I think that this could majorly effect the way that we could assume coffee products and how much we import them. We could see a major change in price on coffee because of having to import it more often. Ethiopia, one of the main producers of coffee could see a major dip in their economy.
The wildfires in California have been a hot topic the past few months. Wildfires have been tearing through California causing millions of billions of dollars of damage, lost of life and of land. The most recent fires are in Southern California. The fires are nearly touching the busiest highway 405 freeway, UCLA, and Getty Museum. The fires have been started by high temperatures and currently in a drought. The fire is spreading at a rapid pace because winds are 80 MPH+. Firefighters are trying their best to contain and destroy the fire. The fires are awful and there nothing we can really do about it. The firefighters are doing their best the keep the fire back but other than that the best we can do it stay safe and pray rain comes.

Brazilian Sugarcane Reduce Global Emissions

This article describes how Brazilian sugarcane could potentially replace 13.7% of the world's crude oil consumption and reduce global emissions. This could be made possible by reducing the emissions from combustion of fossil fuels. The production of fuel ethanol from sugarcane for use instead of the burning of fossil fuels. I think this is productive article because it is looking to help the environment and giving possible replacements for the burning of fossil fuels.

Students sue Federal Government

Climate Science on Trial Again

NOV Post China attempts to Solve Air Pollution Problem

China air pollution is a problem there. In fact its a big problem.Some days instead of figuring out when ether you wear a jacket. You have to figure out when to wear a mask because of the air pollution. Professor Wang Hui Ju has some solutions to solving this problem. One solutions is i dentifying the role of human-caused emissions on climate change. I think this is great because it helps and try to figure out this  pollution  problem China has been having. Article here

California Wild Fire Progress

The wild fires in California are staring to make progress on being contained. The fire in Ventura California is about 15% contained. But the fire already burned 143,000 Acres and 476 Structures. This caused over 50,000 people to evacuate. The wildfire in San Diego is now at 20% contained and this fire burnt over 100 Structures.

Cyclones in The Arabian Sea

Since global warming has been on a rise the Arabian sea has had a rise in cyclones. It also has not just been a rise in them they are growing extremely worse. NOAA made predictions on the storms occurring in the Arabian sea. It showed that with the increase of burning fossil fuels in 1860s caused increased storms. This is one of the times that their predictions lined up with what is actually occurring. I found this article very interesting because of it dealing with the increase in deadly storms. It may help people realize that global warming is actually occurring. Also that we do have consequences from the burning of fossil fuels.

Whales freeze and flee when frighten

Narwhals environment is being attacked. They live in an Arctic habitat. Now that the ice caps have been melting it is becoming a lot easier for ships to travel in those parts of the sea. Also meaning more humans in that area. This is something narwhals never had to deal with, the humans and the nets. BBC believes that since there are been more dead narwhal sighting are due to their heart and not humans. A narwhals heart decreases when in fear and swims a lot faster away then it ever has. Causing the narwhal to loose oxygen in the brain and sometimes dies. BBC believes that it is the narwhals fault themselves. While truly it is the traffic in the water causing the fear in narwhal. This article was biased because BBC news is already known to be bias, and the reporter doing this story is saying how they feel on the subject.

Blood Red Skies Over China Explained 300 Years Later

In September of 1770, the above China, Japan, and Korea changed to what was described as an "eerie red" colored aurora. This continued for 8 nights. No one could explain this phenomenon and it was eventually forgotten. However, researchers recently began investigating the event again after finding historical documents in East Asia describing it. They have found that this was most likely caused by a geomagnetic storm. A geomagnetic storm occurs when the magnetosphere of Earth is hit by solar eruptions. Sunspots occur with most geomagnetic storms, and there were also drawings and records of sunspots occurring at the same time as the auroras. I found this article very interesting because I have never heard about geomagnetic storms before. There were informative descriptions about what geomagnetic storms are and what can occur along with them. Multiple forms of evidence proving that these auroras were caused by one of the storms were also discussed in the article. Link:  Bloo...

November Post: Traffic Pollution Affecting Unborn Babies

Testing done in London show that babies born at full term have an increased chance of low birth rate. The findings do not only prove true for that city but other European cities. Air pollution also proves to cause other birth problems and pregnancy complications. Afterwards, scientists were able to conclude that increases in traffic was associated with 2% to 6% increased odds of low birth weight. I think this is interesting since it could affect the health of our future populations and could also happen in the Untied States if it is not taken care of.  Link to article 

December Article- Most blue whales are ‘righties,’ except for this one move

In this article scientists have been studying the way that blue whales move and rotate when hunting for food and retrieving their food. Scientists have never seen a marine animal ever favor one side over the other like humans favor their right or left hand as their dominate. Blue whales showed that when hunting for their food they role 180 degrees to the right except for when they are along the surface they roll to the left. Scientists believe that they roll to their left when near the surface to see more clearly with their dominate right eye. Interesting to see that blue whale dominate a side to use like humans do.
Drowning in Garbage: The Washington Post : As usual the western part of the world is the worst-

As climate, Mice morph This article is really cool because it has good sources and it is not fake news. I think it is very interesting that species are evolving just because of climate change. This shows that species are adapting to their environment when it changes. The resource is one you can trust as well. This is a topic that interests me and I would love to learn more about it. I would go and look at more research on this and ask some questions onto how their body changes over time. They should do an experiment with different species in that environment. See if they adapt as well.

Brexit is a chance to save our small farms

While Brexit may have momentarily tanked Britain's economy, thus hurting the small farmers of the nation, it is now giving the British government a way to help sustain the small farms that once covered the British country-side. Brexit has now given Britain a chance to create a new agricultural policy that will help the environment and help small farmers be able to withstand economic hardships. That being said, the key to this new plan is public funding and the variance in farm size across the countryside. Britain is now presented with the chance to totally reform and amend their economic downfalls within the agricultural fields and environmental fields. click here to read the full commentary

New UK map of air pollution provides insights into nitrogen dioxide levels across the country and within towns and cities

     EarthSense Systems have created and published MappAir, which is the first high resolution map of air pollution. The venture was joined together by University of Leicester and the company BlueSky. EarthSense created the very accurate map using techniques of modelling with the data from open source and satellites. The map made shows air pollution changes across the country of UK and the cleanest air areas. EarthSense divided UK into 100 meters squared, and combined open data with its own Zephyr air quality monitoring sensors to make an annual average for each cell. Since the production of MappAir, EarthSense plans to produce more MappAir products, like a 10m map for urban areas, an ultra-high 1m dataset for detailed study areas, an historic time series of maps showing how air pollution changes over the course of a day and on different days, and forecast maps giving indication of fluctuations up to 3 days ahead. Later in 2017, EarthSense will release a map of PM2.5. Map...

What can save the rainforest? Your used cell phone

This Ted talk discusses illegal logging, how it negatively impacts Earth, and ways in which we can limit and stop this practice. The speaker's main focus is on using cell phones to stop illegal logging. He says that they can be used to pick up the sounds of chainsaws in the rain forest and then the phone can contact authorities in the area to stop the logging. I personally think that this is a very inventive and interesting idea if it is used effectively and could potentially be very beneficial in the cause to stop illegal logging.

See the Alaska Wildlife Refuge Targeted fr Drilling by Tax Plan

This article by National Geographic tackles the possible conflict the new tax bill will have on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  ANWR resides on Alaska's North Slope and is home to over 200 species.  The area thrives with life with refugee species as well as migration species, and if the new tax bill is passed, drilling companies will be able to use the area for collecting oil they believe to be located underneath the region.  Drillers say that the process would be careful and effective, but there are places all over the world that are still suffering form the aftermath of oil spills that occurred years ago.  Contaminating the water or surrounding areas would destroy the habitats for various animals and essentially undo all the work ANWR's creators have done to make a suitable and habitable place for Arctic species. How Delhi became the most polluted city on Earth Delhi has earned the unfortunate title of becoming the world's most populated city of Earth during this month. In Delhi, the air quality has reached very bad conditions. Unites Airlines even cancelled all their flights to India's Capital due to these poor conditions that are occurring. Protests have even broke out due to the people being angered that the government is not doing anything to help control this situation. Kids are even being taken out of school.  I honestly feel disgusted about these conditions right now. As a country, we aren't doing anything to help right now. The fact that their government is not getting involved, shows that we should at least get involved. If it is causing kids to lose education and the government isn't helping, we need to.
The seafloor near Finland off these land size glaciers are usually home to some aquatic species, but since the water temperature is changing so rapidly, many animals have to leave. This leaves areas normally populated to have nothing but sea star and sponges. My big fear with this is animals like whales that migrate around the world, and if they show up there and there is no food, what will they do. Article
Link Here This past hurricane season is coming to an end, but not without causing its fair share of damage and to the countries that it effected and their wallets. This past hurricane season was the most expensive season in the U.S. history. A Massachusetts Institute of technology meteorologist said that human influenced climate change could lead to higher intensity hurricanes in the future. If humans are influencing things like this through human influenced climate change, then why don't we try harder to reduce our ecological footprint and decrease pollution? I think the effects that climate change has on our earth are far more damaging than some people think and we should do more to try to stop making matters worse.

Delaware Earthquake

About a day or two ago there was a rare 4.1 magnitude earthquake in Delaware. Luckily the earthquake was very small but was felt from Baltimore to New York. The earthquake was pretty shallow but still did not do any damage. We rarely have earthquakes on the east coast so luckily it was a very little earthquake and if it were a big one everyone would have been in for a rude awakening.

One-Third of Food Is Lost or Wasted: What Can Be Done

In America, approximately one-third of food gets wasted or lost in processing. Not only is this adding to overall waste and loss of money, but it is such a waste of perfectly healthy food. The amount we waste could fill up an immense amount of humans in need of food. In an attempt to fix this, there have been some efforts to help other countries try to preserve vegetables and other foods to benefit them. At the end of the day, this awful waste is simply America in a picture, in my opinion. The fact that we waste so much money, resources, and food a year ($1,484 a year in food loss) is a statement of America. Not only are we digging ourselves a deeper hole, but we are wasting products that other countries would be grateful for. In my opinion I see no need for the waste of food and I know at my house, we try to not throw away anything because of the waste of money it is. Maybe for 5 seconds we could focus on topics like this instead of climate change. Article Here

Climate Change May Increase Volcano Eruptions

In the article a test completed by the University of Leeds has found that their are less volcanic eruptions in Iceland, where their is more glacier coverage. With the United States their is more human global warming contributing to climate change which may increase volcanic eruption. Every small change will increase the chance for volcanic eruptions.


Rebecca Dunning November Article Leap Frog! A child hood game most of us can say we have played. Reading fairy tales and believing if we kiss a frog he will turn into our Prince or Princess. But be careful what toad you are kissing! Meet the Cane Toad. Originating from Australia, this toad covers the land reproducing at such a high rate causing destruction to the environment and its inhibitors. One kiss could be the end of your life. When the toad is scared, is produces a toxin that is lethal to many. In my opinion, this population needs to be contained and although Australian scientists are trying to reduce the population they are not doing enough. More actions need to be taken before more harm is put on the environment. I enjoyed this topic and learning more about Cane Toads because I love frogs. 

Chocolate Trees Leaf Disease Fighting Microbes for Seedlings

Leaf endophytes, fungi in plants, help to protect their hosts from disease and drought. These fungi deter pathogens and help the plant boost its defenses by secreting anti-microbial substances. However, some endophytes capitalize on the illness or death of the plant, and may end up killing the organism. Researches wanted to test if and how endophytes are passed on outside the lab, and they chose cacao trees for this study.

Hydro Power and its Disastrous Repercussions

While renewable energy is a great thing that doesn't really output any chemicals into the world, but its placement on the other can could cause issues for more than just a few species. In a any given environment you can make the assumption that there are many organisms that live off one another, and by setting up many dams it will cause a lot of problems. I feel like there should be a limit of how many of these dams can be placed from one another. Renewable energy is important but damaging an ecosystem is not the way to fix things. If dames were placed at an existing fall off from a lake, I think that would make much more sense, since there would not be that much disturbance of the ecosystem.

November Article- Neuron Star Collision Scientists are currently viewing the data of a recent neuron star collision. They are studying this collision because the weird matter as they call it currently since they do not know enough about the neuron star is being spaced out after the collision. Much research is being done on neuron stars because scientists do not know much about the stars and the weird matter inside them.

Earthquake hits Delaware, rattling windows as far as D.C. - November Blog Yesterday at 4.47pm an earthquake with 4.1 magnitude hit 6 miles from Dover, Delaware and it was 5 miles deep. Not much damage was caused, but you could feel the shaking from the  nation’s capital and in Virginia suburbs. The  Geophysicist Dale Grant of the USGS said that to have an earthquake in Delaware is “exceptionally rare.”  But c loser to the epicenter, the earthquake was worse. But even with that t here was no known cause for the earthquake.

Alex November Current Event Cane toad

The Cane toad is a poisons invasive species that has invaded Australia. They have invaded the Kimberly Plateau which they are moving quickly through it. Scientist believe that they move kilometer every night during the wet season. The toads are adopting in shape and physiology. Sugar cane plants from Puerto Rico brought the cane toad to Australia. The toads need to be stopped and soon. They are covering the rain forest at a fast rate and if we don't do anything it'll be late to stop them.

"Zero Tolerance" Plastic Pollution

'Zero tolerance' plan eyed for plastic pollution The nations in the UN have agreed to talk about a legal treaty banning plastic from seas and oceans. They already have a ban for ships throwing plastic off their boat but we have no laws against plastic going into the ocean from the land. This will help all of the marine life in the oceans be safer in their environment. It also makes the world a cleaner place.

Climate Change & Evolution

We are starting to see actual evolution due to global warming in mice and their jaw structure. If this was an event due to sudden adaptation, perhaps a different structure would have been changed. Bone structure isn't nearly as easy to change than other things may be.

November Article

Scientist have started to recently state that Glitter is harmful to the environment. Since, glitters are a form of micro plastics they can release chemicals in the ocean and be consumed by marine animals. In the upcoming year, the UK will try implementing a law on micro beads, which are a type of micro-plastic. In my opinion, this could help limit the amount of micro-plastics that could get into oceans and waterways. Another thing, this author seems the be very biased towards glitter by calling it a "super-villain" and 'Charming, but insidious".

Why are cane toads are a problem?

Cane toads in Australia have been having bad impacts on the environment surrounding them. They do not have really any predators, so their population has been increasing very quickly. Any species who tries to consume them end up being harmed and or killed due to the poison that they release. This is causing a decline in many species and could lead to extinction. Scientists are trying to find ways to reduce and control their population size, but as of now, they are negatively impacting the environment which is leading to a bad outcome in the future.

"You're an idiot, so there's no hope for you."

This article is extremely biased and not only does it state it's opinion very clearly, the author attacks the opposing view. Because 'obviously, global warming is a joke.' "You're an idiot, so there's no hope for you." "warmageddon"

Brazilian ethanol can replace 13.7 percent of world's crude oil consumption

In this article it talks about how Brazil had found a way to reduce the use of crude oil and fossil fuels and use sugarcane instead. By doing this we reduce the CO2 emissions as much as almost 6% by 2045. I think this is a smart thing to do, or at least consider, because the rapid increase in temperature, due to the CO2 in our air now, could be greatly decreased by this switch. We only have so much fuel in the world and if we could replace it with a replenish-able source then why not? Article

Indonesian Volcano       Mount Agung volcano on the island of Bali has been having small eruptions over the past two months as its residents are being forced to relocate. Larger eruptions are feared and predicted  yet to come for the Indonesian island. Eruptions are hard to predict when they are coming so the Bali government is forcing nearly 100,000 residents to move out of the threatened areas. The Northeastern Bali area is mainly affected when Agung erupts, covering the land with lava, ash, and mudflows. As the lava flows across the island, gases released from the lava can cause a number of respiratory problems for Bali's citizens.

Worlds First Head Transplant

This article is about a Chinese and an Italian surgeon who plan to do the worlds first head transplant in China. This is crazy to think about and there is a lot of debate on whether this should happen. Also, it seems that a lot of the motivation for the Chinese to do this is to surpass the US as the world leader in all fields. Is this valid reason to do the procedure that will cost $100 million and put lives at risk? Link

Tree Lobster: Back from the Dead

After believing that the species Dryococelus australis, also known as the tree lobster, went extinct after rats had been accidentally released onto Australia's Lord Howe Island after a steamship capsized researchers have found a second variation of the tree lobster on Ball's Pyramid. They now hope that the can reintroduce the tree lobster to Lord Howe Island once the rat problem on the island has been dealt with. They plan to deal with the rats by dropping cereal with rat poison onto the island sometime in 2018. My concern with this is that they are taking a risk by placing poisoned cereal on the island because there is a chance that not just rats will eat the cereal, native animals such as the birds that inhabit the island might become tempted to eat the cereal. It would be great to see a once native species reintroduced to the island, but I just hope they know what they are doing.

Much of the world’s honey now contains bee-harming pesticides. Neonicotinoid pesticides is showing up lately in are honeybees honey. there was a honey survey that started testing  these controversial nicotine-derived pesticides. this testing is showing how widely are honeybees are being exposed to chemicals. Three out of the Four honey being tested was effected.   They  contained measurable levels of at least one of five common neonicotinoids.    86 percent of the North American samples contained at least one of the five commonly used neonicotinoids. Almost half of the samples that they had taken cantains  more than one type of the pesticides. 

Invasive Lion Fish

 Lion Fish were dumped into the Pacific most likely by people who had them as pets or by researchers not thinking and just getting rid pf them, they were never on those reefs before and are taking over due to them being a predator. They are killing all smaller fish that they can eat, they are putting Goby species on the endangered species list and are causing issues. In years to come the environment will be changed and it will maybe not have some species which will alter the ocean which will cause even more issues.

Bat Feces: A reliable source of climate change

Bat Feces shows not only what the bat ate but this may actually show records of climate change. The isotopes found in the guano change in the nitrogen cycle and difference in precipitation during the winter months. This is a good source because there has been a big debate about whether or not the equipment from 25-30 years ago will give the same accuracy of information as equipment today. This then calls into question the reliability of the data and then if we can even begin to compare the information accurately.   Article

Bacteria Traps Carbon

This article is very interesting because it explains how these bacteria could be crucial for carbon levels and health within the ocean due to the majority of the ocean being too dark or underpopulated to support itself. It allows the readers to understand how without these bacteria we may have much lower carbon levels in our ecosystems. Here's the Article

Window Closing to Avoid Global Warming

Reading this article was quite interesting. Scientists are saying that carbon dioxide might all of been removed in the atmosphere. Which made seem like no danger to some, but this may create a temperate increase by 2100. So, this can affect the way our environment in every day life and destroy this environment. Read the article  here .

Abominable Snowman? Nope... Ryan Heydt November Current Event A new DNA study on physical evidence supposedly from abominable snowmen shows that the DNA was actually from Bears in the high Mountains of Asia.  My opinion is that the researchers may be lying to try to hide the existence of bigfoot.

China Takes Economic Hit as Environment Reaches "Point of No Return"

China's economic wealth comes at the expense of something more important - their environment. It is reported that local governments in China have kept factories and furnaces open and running even when nothing is being made. Due to this careless act, Alex Wolf of Aberdeen Standard Investments claims that China's environment is "near the point of no return". In 2015 alone, the smog in Beijing killed 1.1 million people, which is the most of any other country in the world. That being said, Beijing has acknowledged the problem and is now promoting clean energy policies throughout all of China. Do you think that China's environmental issues will continue to grow or start to diminish as their economic power grows? Read more here

Petermann Glacier Recovery Evident from 2012 low

In 2012, the declining Petermann glacier in Greenland was a "sure sign of global warming". Now, 5 years later, not only has the glacier stopped its retreat and calving, but it has evidently begun to grow in size once again. Some of this can certainly be attributed to the high amount of snow and ice that Greenland received last year. However, it is fairly clear that the Petermann glacier was growing well before last year as well. For the most part, climate alarmists chose this, among many other events, to "backup" their AGW beliefs in 2012, and some what plausible, i guess, as 2012 was a very low year in arctic sea ice. Coming back to reality, however, and 5 years later, those same climate alarmists are silent, or worse, continue to harp on other climatic events even when their forecast from 5 years before failed and neglect their false claims from before. Back in 2012, this story broke the main headlines and media. Now 5 years later the opposite is happening and I d...


( An eighty million year old shark was recently pulled up from the oceans by a trawler in Portugal. Frilled sharks are very rare and therefor little is known about them. They have 300 teeth and live over two thousand feet below the ocean surface. These frilled sharks have been swimming in the depths of the oceans since dinosaurs. This is huge and shocking news to everyone. These types of sharks are rarely seen let alone caught. This trawler along with its crew were conducting a European Union project to minimize unwanted catches within the oceans. This was supposed to stop the amount of sea creatures being taken out of the oceans every year to maintain the wanted population.  

Granddaddy Hornets' Nest

In Louisiana a hornets nest was found in a shed that took 45 minutes to remove. In this video you can see and hear the amount of hornets,  The nests consists of yellow jackets and the European Hornet. In some countries, other hornets in the European Hornet family are capable of killing people without allergies as well. In Germany, the hornets are protected under federal law to keep them alive because they do pollinate the earth and are predators to other species like flies and smaller bees, keeping their populations controlled as well. Do you think bees should be protected or are they the worst creatures ever created?

Hybrid Airplane

Hanna Gralinski  Hybrid Airplane Several companies including, Airbus, Rolls-Royce, and Siemans are teaming up to develop the first ever electric airplane. They want a test model by 2020, and they want the actual model up and running by 2025. The biggest problems that they will be facing is the weight of the batteries to cool the engine. I think that coming out with an electric airplane is a big step forward in saving our environment considering it takes 9,000 gallons of gas to fly cross country. 
In this article I found it says that researchers have found changes in two different species of mice in Quebec as the climate gets warmer. The data that was collected from the researchers found that the skulls of the two mice changed shape. They say that the climate warming predicts morphological change, but there is very little evidence of this happening. December current event

Mice change cause of climate

                This article is talking about how two different kinds of mice have adapted to climate change showing evidence of evolution. Research has shown that the white-footed mice an deer mice have similar traits and can be found in eastern North America. Yet the white footed mice are more of a southerly species yet because of the climate change they have migrated upward. These mice have morphed to adapt to their environment due to the climate change and also competition for resources. These changes could effect the population of each species and also could effect their behavior. I think that this is a very cool topic to read about and can't wait to see how they react in the future.

Paris Climate Agreement

Although the Donald Trump administration has stated their plans to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, 20 States, 110 cites, and 1,400 businesses have agreed to cut their fossil fuel usage in order to met the agreement the United States made. The United States has also stated they are trying to help poorer countries have reliable access to coal and fossil fuels, however, many environmentalists disagree with this movement because it could negatively affect the the environment even more with more people burning coal and fuels. Almost half of all American coal mines have been shut down in the past six years. I think that it is very important that the states, cities, and businesses are continuing to fight climate change even though the government is denying all climate issues. The United States has a lot of power when it comes to change because of our large and developed population. We could do a lot of extra damage to the planet by pulling out of this Paris Climate ...

Biased Current Event Article about Climate change  In this is bias but no completely bias. it explains that  global warming is occurring and gives some information  based on experiments to show how it could effect us. But throughout the paper they do not share the other side of the story.  This is why I do not consider this article a full bias article. When i was reading the paper the author made some great statement about climate change. If you want to be informed about what is going on I think you should read this!!

Climate Changes and Birds

The article I chose was . In the article it provides facts of how the climate warming that is occurring is affecting birds in California. The birds are adjusting their lifestyles to avoid the warming and breed 5-12 days in advance of their normal calendars.

Ozone Hole is its Smallest Since 1988

The higher temperatures of this year caused the hole in the ozone layer to become the smallest it has been since 1988.  The higher temperatures in the stratosphere acts to stabilize the ozone layer, which shrinks the hole year to year.  In September 2017, NASA measured the ozone hole to be 7.6 million square miles.  Currently, this makes the hole 1.3 million square miles smaller than it was in September of 2016.  Scientists pointed out that these hole sizes are way below average. Unfortunately, these two years that the ozone's hole was below average size does not mean the ozone layer is healing faster than expected.  These smaller than usual holes are a result of the Antarctic vortex not proliferation the polar stratospheric clouds.  Scientists predict that the ozone hole will not be completely healed until 2070. I knew very little about the size of the hole in the ozone layer until I read this article.  I found it very interesting, and I was amazed ... This Article is all about this guy, Stossel, bashing Al Gore's views on climate change. the writer is trying to disprove some of Gore's ideas about climate change, especially the rising of the oceans. The basic idea behind this is, "Well it hasn't happened yet so looks like we're good". this of course is idiotic. the writer also uses very opinionated language such as, "Gore probably doesn't know that." It seems pretty obvious that this guy is just some close minded, butt-hurt conservative.

Climate Change No Way!

The article I chose to write my blog post about " Is climate change real, and is the world actually getting warmer?" This article is very bias. It is shown throughout the article in a few different ways.  One way is that the article only shows you certain facts and opinions but not once did it give the reader a fact or an opi nion from the other side of the spectrum. Climate change is a very conversational topic and should be written from both spectrum's, stating all  facts to give the reader there own view on the topic. This article gives off the vibe of shoving there own opinion, facts, and view your way. Which will lower the rate of the readers. In my opinion I enjoyed hearing the views of this article but I did not enjoy only hearing about the one side, I believe you need to know both sides of a situation to see where you stand.

Gobal Warming Isn't Real Biased Article

In the article, “5 Scientific Reasons That Global Warming Isn’t Real”, the author states that the earth’s temperatures have been flat for years and hasn’t been warming since 1997. The article is bias because each fact is bashing the facts that global warming is real and only showing how could be fake. The biased facts could make and has made many people believe that global warming is not real and because people do not think it is real they will not take the precautions necessary to possibly stop or slow down global warming. So instead of working to make the planet a better place they are sometimes unknowingly worsening the conditions.

Just out!

The Washington Post just released today an article.

Is climate change real, and is the world actually getting warmer? Is climate change real, and is the world actually getting warmer? This article isn't completely biased in all means. It is stating lots of facts to show that global warming is occurring and gives some statistics based on experiments to show how it could effect us in the future. The only reason I would consider this article biased is that it never states any information based on the other side of the argument. It is only stating whats happening, how it will effect us, and what we can do to help. The author states some great facts to prove that climate change is occuring such as "In addition to thermometer records going back to the 1880s, there is a large amount of natural evidence in the form of glaciers retreating and sea ice melting to record lows, sea levels rising by 20cm, islands disappearing, animals and plants shifting th...

Transparent solar technology represents 'wave of the future'

      Nature Energy scientists report a new transport technology will have the ability access unused energy and could store as much power as the big solar panels. The panels are said to be able to be applied to windows of a home. Michigan State University engineering researchers had figure that with these transparent solar applications and the rooftop solar panels, the U.S. would meet high demands of electricity and reduce the use of fossil fuels drastically. Richard Lunt, the Johansen Crosby Endowed Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at MSU said, "Highly transparent solar cells represent the wave of the future for new solar applications." The product was researched and engineered by Michigan State University, and the Richard Lunt, a member of MSU, will try to sell the product as the "future" so others can feel it is needed.

Biased Current Event

My article is biased on global warming, it states how only people who care about nature can stop global warming. It also states how global warming is for sure happening, it does not have any other side but the side for global warming, therefor this is a biased article on the fact its not open to other opinions. Its not open to other opinions o global warming or how to stop it, if it actually is happening.

Oil or no Oil?

For a long time mining in the high Arctic has been unheard of, because it is protected land. Recently their as been talk in the government that billions of dollars worth of oil could be found up there. With a government currently having more power to the republicans this find is huge. More than enough people are fighting it, trying to stress the large amount of damage this would to to the Arctic. The Arctic isn't the only concern, the impact could in general hurt everyone by increasing global temperatures from global warming, and then the ice caps melt. By the end the world is more or less under water and we become fish. Oil article

Biased article

I think the article is biased since " Perhaps the only thing more terrifying than the impacts of climate change is the overwhelming denial of their existence by some political leaders in the U.S." is a quote in the article. It shows that they feel strongly about climate change and disagree with some political leaders.

Biased Climate Change This article has a bias toward added environmental/climate change precautions.The article mentions  some of the issues that could be linked back to climate change. However, it does not provide much information as to how these problems are connected to climate change, or how they are being affected by people.

Biased Current Event: Murder of Bald Eagle

In Virginia, a man was put under house arrest and had to pay a fine for killing a bald eagle. He pleaded guilty under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. I thought that the result of the trial was good since the man did something that was unnecessary. Hopefully when people hear about this story, they will think twice before hurting animals. This is biased because it comes from Fox News which is more in favor of Republicans over Democrats. Link to Article 

Climate Change Lowers the Quality of Coffee

Climate Change Lowers the Quality of Coffee This article explains that because of rising temperatures and less rain in areas, like Ethiopia, coffee is not growing as well and what is growing is lacking in quality. I don't personally drink coffee but I know for a lot of people in America today, coffee is really important for their morning and without the growth of coffee, it will potentially raise the prices and lower the availability for most of the working class and maybe even middle class.  This article is biased because it explains the higher temperatures and less rain to be caused by climate change or even fossil fuels, to be specific. Climate change is a controversial topic and there is a lot of people who don't agree with it. This mean that the person who wrote it is obviously using his own opinion in the article.

Biased Current Event: Yellowstone Supervolcano

In this particular article, researchers from various colleges and research communities like: Arizona State University, University of Utah, and Yellowstone Observatory. These researchers have reported that there is no immediate danger to the country as it is in a state of rest. However Arizona State University researchers have said that, based on their new conclusions, drawn from the minerals surrounding the volcano, the volcano could erupt much faster than expected. NASA also wants to try to prevent the super-volcano from destroying the US by trying to cool the magma before it spills over. This seems to be unreliable because of the information that has been circulating over the past few months. We have been told that this volcano could  potentially send the world into a new ice age, now there is all this information that the volcano is a very small problem. In addition to the skewed information this article is from Fox news, which is notorious for taking a republican or conservativ...

Oil Drilling in Alaska

The article that I chose struck me as biased because a portion of it stuck out like a sore thumb. " A laska could use the money.  Listen to Alaskans, and you can feel their desperation—in their homes, offices, from commuters passing Anchorage’s rooftop  ConocoPhillips  sign, in radio reports on the $3 billion state deficit. Oil helped build the state. The oil industry employs a third of its workers."  This quote tells me that the article is biased because when you are writing a paper or article that is supposed to be unbiased you leave your own opinion out of what you are writing. This affects the information presented by the author by pushing onto the reader the idea that drilling for oil in Alaska would be beneficial.

Biased current event My article states that global warming is still happening and we need to be more conservative to stop it. Most articles on global warming are highly opinionated due to the fact that there are multiple sides that can be taken on this issue. My article says that global warming can only be stopped if people care about it enough to take action. Other opinions like this one are made throughout the length of the article.

Yes, Climate Change Made Harvey and Irma Worse

Right from the title I could tell that this would be an opinionated article. The author goes into depth about how Harvey and Irma were NOT causes of climate change, but that the warmer waters and rising sea levels that trigger bigger and more destructive storms are the cause. Many scientists, more specifically meteorologists, are mentioned in this article to back up their opinions to get readers to agree. It uses information like "Over 90% of the researchers are in agreement with what is going on" to persuade us.

Delingpole: ‘Climate Change’ Is No More Credible than Magic Says Top Physicist- Biased Article

This article discusses the different reasons why people believe that global warming exists and then denounces and disproves them. This author uses inflammatory language and keywords like idiots, magic, brainwashed, and exaggerated to convey his message. By choosing this word choice, it makes his argument less scientific and factual and more opinion based. This article is clearly biased toward his personal opinion on climate change and could definitely sway a reader's opinion. Link to article

Biased Current Event

My article talks how with the debate of global warming still occurring, news sources like to take certain view points and standpoints on the issue of global warming. This articles claims that global warming is true and occurs from the environment being polluted. This article is very opinionated along with many other articles. He strongly states his view point on it.

Biased Current Event- E.P.A. vs. the Environment

This article encompasses three reactions to an editorial. All three state that our environment is going back to the way it was before the E.P.A started making strides in the positive direction for protecting our environment. They all call out the current E.P.A. administrator Scott Pruit for ignoring the current state of the environment and that our resources need to start being managed more wisely so that we can start waning ourselves off of the dependence of nonrenewable resources. All encourage the reader to call our Congress to get our voices heard. To read the reactions, click  here .

Bias Current Event: Global Warming

This article published by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) comments on the issue of global warming with a bias in favor of the said issue.  The article makes its case by addressing the fact that while Earth's climate has changed over its lifetime due to shifts in its orbit, atmospheric changes, and fluctuations in the Sun's energy, there is a new aspect to climate change to take into consideration, which is humanity.  It states that due to the accelerated release of greenhouse gases and carbon emissions due to human impact, the Earth's temperature will continue to rapidly increase.  The article goes on to answer several questions that regard global warming, including how global warming compares to previous climate change, how accurate the information supporting global warming's cause through greenhouse emissions is, how much more the Earth will warm, and how extensive the effects of global warming will be on our planet. https://earthobservatory...

Bias article: Climate Change is a Hoax

The article I chose was called Top Ten Reasons Climate Change is a Hoax . Without even reading the article, I could tell that this writing was going to be very biased based on the title. The article, written by Elmer Beauregard , states that studies showed 2014 was supposed to be the hottest year yet. Beauregard talks about “record ice,” “record snow,” and “record cold,” but backs up the topics with his personal thoughts or his own opinion. If he had provided actual proof to back his topics up, the article wouldn’t be so biased, but he has nothing and that makes his case weak. Beauregard’s biased comments negatively affect the information provided by presenting inaccurate statements on the topic of climate change. 

Hurricane Surge

The bias article I read was about the recent surge of hurricanes. Scientists have researched the hurricanes from the last 30 years and compared them to the ones before that. The article states that the research doesn't allow them to connect the recent growth of hurricane activity to global warming, This is a different view on the recent climate change because many people and news sites are quick to blame global warming for the increase of hurricanes in the last 30 years. The article also explains that the to main possible factors of the growth in hurricanes is man made climate change or natural change. However, the article mainly supports the fact of natural climate change by using facts about the oceans cycle that can cause more storms and the fact that in the past the storm counting wasn't as reliable therefore, the increase in storms might not be that high,. The article is bias because it doesn't support both sides of the argument and avoids the fact that global warming ...

Coal Insider Tapped to Lead Agency That Regulates Mines A former mining engineer, Steven Gardner was chose to run the Interior Department Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. The choice to pick a coal insider rather than someone who is not in the coal industry at all to lead the agency that regulates mines is bias because if he is a former mining engineer he is not going to care about the environment because he just wants the coal business to rise, rather than someone not in the coal business at all would care more about the environment.

Bias Article: Did Climate Change Cause Hurricane Irma to Fizzle?

This environmental article, written by "Investor's Daily Business", explores the relationship between climate change and Hurricane Irma's predicted strength and actual strength as a storm.  According to the article, experts predicted Hurricane Irma to be a more devastating hurricane than it actually turned out to be.  As Hurricane Irma was being tracked, scientists and politicians blamed the predicted severity of the storm on global warming.  The article suggests that whenever there is a unfavorable weather event, it is attributed to climate change.  In the same sense, the article suggest that, because of this idea, possible benefits of climate change are never discussed.  The article concludes by stating some reported cases of benefits of climate change.  For example, weather in the United States has got increasingly more pleasant over the last four decades.  This means that winters have been less severe, while summers have been less hot. I thought ...

Climate Change is the WORST Scientific Scandal!!!

The title of the actual article shows that the author believes that climate change is fake and is biased towards arguing against it. The very first sentence from Christopher Booker is, "Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with the Climategate whitewash". He only has information to support his opinion which makes the article biased. o f-our-generation.html  

Paris Treaty is Ineffective?

In this article, the discussion was about Trump leaving the Paris Treaty, and to Copper the Paris treaty is ineffective and fails to make a change. This shows how this article is bias due to being on the complete side that the treaty is a waste. Read the article  here.

Scientists explore how climate change may affect mental health             This article is a biased article because they only view one point throughout the entire article. Through the article the only viewpoint they express is that climate change is bad for our planet and for human health. They state that climate change involves rising temperatures, disappearing coastlines, and destroyed ecosystems. The article does not mention any specifics of what climate change is because they only say that it is taking a toll on our planet. At the end of the article they say that there are other potential effects but they do not state them because they only care about the point they are trying to prove so they do  not include an opposing side.

Toxicity Charge in London

Due to the high rates of air pollution in the UK, London is putting a new toxicity charge into place.  This toxicity fee aims to reduce air pollution caused by diesel cars.  This charge is needed because experts show that pollution has caused more deaths in the UK than in many other countries in Europe.  They are many different respiratory illnesses that can be developed as a result of air pollution and can effect people of all ages.  I think this toxicity fee is a good idea to try and prevent more deaths from air pollution and to keep citizen's more healthy.

Global Warming

This article discusses how humans today are effecting the environment. This article says that we are effecting the Earth asking it warmer and changing the climate. It however only talks about how global warming and is happening and that we are the cause of it. The article never discusses anything against it or talks about anyone else and their viewpoint on the matter. I personally believe that we are effecting the planet and warming up the Earth due to our use of resources on the the Earth.

Trump administration scrambles to save largest coal plant in the West

This article is about how the largest coal-fired power plant in Arizona is shutting down. A temporary lease agreement has allowed the plant to stay up and running until the end of 2019. The Navajo Generating Station is unable to find anyone to take over and maintain the plant, so after December of 2019 they are unsure if the plant will continue on. Unfortunately this article is very biased. Throughout the article the author, John Siciliano, only quotes those in favor of the coal-fired power plant. "We certainly think keeping that plant open is important to the overall national security of the grid" says Michelle Bloodworth, the chief operating officer of the pro-coal industry group American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity. That is only one quote of many that tells us how coal-fired plants can help the area, but not once do they mention how the fossil fuels released into the atmosphere are dangerous. In conclusion this article is very biased by telling us how these plants...

Obama EPA did not do background checks on hundreds of cyber-contractors

In this article it talks about the fact that Obama apparently didn't give background checks to many outside contractors. If this is the case then many unauthorized contractors are building when they should not be. Though, Fox News is a strong conservative news system that is known for falsifying information or simply nit speaking of certain issues due to their views. Especially when it comes Obama Fox News is known to point out only his problems or even simply make up an issue against him due to their differing opinion. Therefore, Fox News is a biased and non-reliable source. Article:  

Climate Change Biased Article

This article talks about climate change and is biased because the author is clearly against the idea of climate change. The author shows that he does not believe environmentalists are correct that the climate is changing. The author presents the information about climate change by saying that only bad weather is blamed on climate change and good weather is never blamed on climate change. The fact that the author is baised affects the information in the article because he chooses to only focus on the good weather that is happening, such as the weakening of hurricane Irma. If he was not biased about climate change, he might have focused on the increase of hurricanes this season instead of the weakening of Irma. Climate Change

Bias Article

Link here This article is bias because of how it is written and the author. The author is a republican who is against democrats and refuses to believe any information he hears form them.  The bias affects how it is written because he only shows some of the facts. At one point during the article he says that the scientific proof of why carbon dioxide is affecting the Earth is not true while not showing any of the false evidence and in turn is showing how biased he is. He also states that if global warming did happen then it would be a great  thing and that there is nothing wrong with having hot temperatures throughout the entire world just so he can attack the democrats.

Biased Article- Poaching

This article is about the poaching problems, mainly in Africa. It states that in only three years, 100,000 elephants have been killed for ivory which is supporting the black market and keeping the prices of it high in Africa. There is also a high demand of ivory in China as well, which is worsening the situation. This article is leaning more towards biased because the author is saying how poaching is not a good thing and that down the road for the elephant population is not looking good if they continue being killed at this rate. The author really concentrates on the statistics and facts of the deaths of these elephants to emphasize his point of the article that this needs to stop.

Biased Article

This article is based heavily on opinion and is not written from an unbiased standpoint, therefore the author's thoughts on climate change are very prevalent. This affects the information in the article because the author may have left out some statistics or information to make their standpoint more understandable. Here's the Article

EPA to Reform Its Science Advisory Boards - Bias Article

This article examining the shuffle in the Environment Protection Agency's board members is definitely biased towards the support of the shuffle and proposition to ideas. The author is definitely supporting Trump's actions of changing up the EPA and its board members to support his climate change thoughts and to stop the nonsense fear mongering going on in the EPA. The information presented is definitely skewed because of the bias and it could result in someone with differing viewpoints to not see the article as a trustworthy source. Article Here

I believe that climate change is a thing that needs to be taken seriously. The more fossil fuels that we find the worse it will hurt our environment. The more fossil fuels the find means we will use more which hurts our environment because it puts more carbon dioxide in the air. We all ready have problems with climate change now we don't want to make it worse.  

Coffee Thoughts

I feel that this article is biased since it really try's to focus on coffee drinkers. Which in this case it might not really be a bad way of being biased, but it is still against a specific set of people. It goes on saying how the warmer climate is going to threaten these peoples coffee and says about the coffee not tasting the same.

Climate Change

Article Here Climate change is a major issue in today's society. The big debate is wither or not climate change is real or not. This article talks about how climate change is real and gives examples and information on why it is, to someone who does not believe in climate change, this article could seem very biased because it does not point out any facts that could show that climate change is not real. It does not show both sides. I personally believe in climate change, therefore, I do not think this article is very biased because it is giving information and facts that could prove that it is real, however, I can see why someone would think it is biased.

Biased Article (Ryan Heydt) The article is biased because the author/authors are disregarding the facts to back up the opposing view point that evolution is real.  Meanwhile the author uses only information to back up their opinion.  The information presented can not make the reader change their mind because it may be false and also it hides from the reader information that would prove otherwise.

Trump Hates the Environment

Donald Trump. Hated by most, loved by few. This article gives the specific details of how the Trump Administration is attempting to rid the rules of the environment and change the very fundamental laws and rights of the environment. This article is very biased against the Trump Administration and is not a surprise considering it is from the New York Times. I think it is offensive how biased it is, however the biased feel to it makes it seem like a true issue. i did however like how they included the colored list of the laws and what stage they are currently in. Click here for the article!
In the article  it says that republicans are less likely to believe in Climate Change. It also shows google searches about how Americans have searched in google and other search engines and all think climate change is fake. In my opinion I think climate change is real, but other American's don't.

Is Congress about to wreck America's natural treasures?

Starting with the title, I can tell this article is going to be extremely biased. Going into the actual article, I found phrases such as "some of America's beloved wild lands and historic landmarks", "the attack is personal", and "too big, too wild, to qualify as a monument." These phrases together express the authors feelings about the Trump administration and his love for nature. His opinion greatly affects the information given because it creates a negative outlook on the government regulations.

Biased article This article talks about the Alaskan shelf melting but is very opinion based. Yes climate change is an issue affecting most organisms on earth but the way the author portrays this issued is very biased and opininated.
This article is biased towards Global Warming happening. This affects the information that is presented because it tells us all of the reasons that global warming real. Like it tells us that there are orbital signals that collect all the data that tell us climate change is occurring, it also gives us many facts like the temperature of the Earth and how the average has risen 2 degrees. I agree with this article though, I believe that global warming is happening now and it gives us real life examples. I did not know that glaciers are starting to retreat around the world. This article is very biased towards global warming.

Once again, global warming ruins everything, even fish sex.

Article Here " "We found that the local presence and abundance of a species reflect not only its need for particular temperatures and environmental conditions but also its ecological interactions. "As fish extend their range further from the equator with warming water, their advantage as predators will affect the abundance and diversity of large mobile invertebrates. "Broad changes will likely spread across the ecosystem, affecting human activities such as fishing." Professor Edgar said..." The fact that such a small thing as heat could effect so much is amazing. I'm not saying this as if i did not already know this, but it still amazes me, that is all. A few degrees in our body can change our whole mood, or a few degrees in the oceans can effect fish migration, predictor hunting, fish population, and everyone favorite hobby fishing! Oh and the mating patterns of fish have been most likely effected by these heating of oceans. truly interes...

EPA Document Proposes to Eliminate Clean Power Plan 'In Its Entirety"

Breitbart recently obtained a 43 page document that outlines how the EPA is going to repeal the CPP. Trump, spurring this EPA plan reform, signed an executive order in March, ordering a review of the CPP (environmental plan formed by the Obama Administration). In additon to releasing EPA documents bashing the Obama Administration for their "environmental legacy", Trump also pulled America out of the Paris Climate Accord (agreement between various nations to lower amount of greenhouse gases). This article could easily be considered biased merely on the fact that all it really does is try to tarnish the reputation of the Obama Administration; the reporter only pulled the negatives from the CPP, he never once mentioned the positives of the plan. In addition, the reporter also used phrases such as " to undo the unlawful approach the previous administration engaged in", " Obama acted unilaterally without the consent of Congress and the American people to implement h...

Lancet: Pollution, Not CO2, Is ‘Largest Environmental Cause of Disease and Death’ The article is biased just based off of the news source. Breitbart has ties to the far right movement so they are gonna have a more conservative view. They also site a medical journal that has taken stances on certain medical procedures. The article does have a good point on how most people focus on climate change as our "most important" climate problem. Even though pollution is also an extremely bad issue.

Danger to Air Quality from Forest Fires

I believe this article is biased  because it almost seems the author is making it that the forest fires are the main reason for the bad Air Quality. This makes the information being given very one sided. It takes the pressure off all of the other possible reasons.

October Current Event- What's Hidden Under the Greenland Ice Sheet?

In this Ted Talk, the issue of rising sea levels is looked at in comparison to the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet. The speaker looks discusses glaciology and how understanding the way that the ice melts and flows through the underground aquifers is crucial to the understanding of how melting glaciers connects to rising sea levels. In the video, you can watch a video of a helicopter flying over the crevasses on the sheet in which melted water flows in and eventually seeps into the aquifers. The speaker also discusses how physics can help glaciologists understand the patterns of melting. To watch the video, click  here .

October Current Event

The Museum of Ice Cream, a very famous attraction located in San Francisco and L.A., has been a popular hit over the past year. Thousands of individuals, as well as some celebrities visit there daily. Although the multiple rooms that are full of fun sound great, some community members have a real concern with one of the museums main attractions. The Sprinkle Pool, containing plastic sprinkles, attach to peoples clothes as they enter and exit the area. When the individuals who have been in the pool go outside, the plastic sprinkles fall off of them and become litter in the environment. The litter then goes down the drains and pollute the water potentially causing harm to the marine life living there. According to “ The museum claims it's ramping up its cleaning efforts to minimize the amount of plastic sprinkles that make their way outside its walls.” They’ve even gotten help from some of ...
After recent hurricanes overwhelming Puerto Rico, people are facing life-threatening conditions. Weeks later, many of these issues are still present. Help to rebuild Puerto Rico is absolutely necessary. Restoring shelter, medical care facilities, electricity, water services and more are absolutely important to the survival of the American Citizens located here. Conditions are worse than those faced after hurricane Katrina.

Penguin disaster as only two chicks survive from colony of 40,000 Thousands of unhatched and hatched penguin chicks were found dead on the across the island located on the region of  Adélie Land. Scientists found that the chicks were dead from starvation because of the overproduction of penguins. Penguins are starving because the ice is melting due to climate change so then the penguins are having to move their locations causing them to use a lot of energy and not finding food. This is an issue not only for penguins but many other animals in the Arctic.

I found this article interesting because I never heard of 21 different wildfires in eight different counties in the same state. Every year California gets many wildfires, but it seems like there is a fast recovery in the environment. I find it interesting while most of California's wildfires occur during September and October. You would think they would have most wildfires during the summer, but not here. This really surprised me. Through all of the damage that the environment takes I don't know how it is re able to grow year after year.
Darwin's frog is now extinct due to  global chytridiomycosis pandemic, they are getting a very bad fungus. The fungal bacteria is called  Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Due to this fungal bacteria from global warming it has threatened other unique species like the Darwin's frog but they have now been back to normal. All infected Darwin's species are destined to go extinct researchers are just now realizing. The infection is causing very dramatic die-off of species, but just with infected amphibians. with all of this being caused it is making people and scientist realize a change needs to be made with our environment.

Flights worldwide face increased risk of severe turbulence due to climate change Scientists have found out that climate change is changing the turbulence of planes. Climate change is suppose to increase a whole lot by 2050-2080. From the truculence of the planes changing can cause serious damage to people and luggage on the plane. I would have never guessed that climate change could effect this, this shows just how much damage global warming can cause. Global warming effects many things that we do not even notice. Even though the turbulence isn't a big thing in airplanes it still causes the most damage to people in flights, I found it interesting that it costs the US up to $200 million dollars a year from all the injuries from the turbulence, and if it gets worse I can't even imagine how much higher that number will get.

What's the Bee-g Deal? A dramatic decline in the worlds bumble bee population has been linked to the changing global climate. A research team at Florida State University published a study that shares their examinations in Colorado's Rocky Mountains. The researchers found that due to the changing climate, "there just aren't enough good flowers to go around". As global climate changes over time it may not seem like a big deal when in fact it is the complete opposite. For the Rocky Mountains this means snow melts earlier and the season of flowering it extended. This also seems like a good thing but Ogilvie and her team of collaborators found that "the snow melts earlier and the following season extends, the number of days with poor flower availability increases, resulting in overall food shortages that are associated with population decline".  It is important that we assess the problem of global warming and climate cha...

New bio material that replaces plastics

New Bio Material  There is a new Bio Material that could help global warming and pollution. This material is a  polysaccharide polyelectrolyte complex that is composed of cellulose and chitin. The Cellulose is  extracted out of trees and cotton and the chitin is extracted out of the shells of lobster crab and shrimp. This material could replace plastics in may areas. The major one is getting rid of the packaging plastics and exchanging it to a bio degratible material. There is over 300 million ton of plastic material produced a year. Over 29 million ton of material becomes solid waste. Also 10 percent of it is estimated to become ocean debris. This material could help cut the pollution and liter cut down.